Name 1 food that is high in protein.
Bananas and spinach (other examples could include berries, yogurt, almond milk, etc.).
9-12 hours of sleep per night.
What is one physical symptom of stress?
Headaches (or examples like muscle tension, stomachaches).
When you learn something new, how can you think of your brain like a road, path, or highway?
When you learn something new, it's like building a path in your brain. A new skill is like a new road that gets easier to travel on the more you practice, just like a highway that becomes smoother with use. The more you practice, the clearer the path becomes!
What is a healthy alternative to sugary snacks?
Fruits (or alternatives like nuts, yogurt).
Name one habit that helps improve sleep quality.
Going to bed at the same time each night.
Name a relaxation technique that can help reduce stress.
Deep breathing (other examples: meditation, yoga).
What happens in your brain when you learn something new?
Your brain makes new connections.
List two ingredients you might find in a healthy smoothie.
Bananas and spinach (other examples could include berries, yogurt, almond milk, etc.).
Why is it important to reduce screen time before bed?
Blue light from screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep.
Why is exercise important for managing stress?
Exercise helps release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, and reduces stress hormones like cortisol.
Why is it important to practice something many times?
It helps your brain remember and do it better.