What are 3 obs you must do when you wake up in the morning?
hygiene, make bed, do chore
when is acceptable to break boundaries
How do you answer questions in groups?
Raise your hand or wait until someone else is done talking
Clients must NEVER wear make up
false, they can wear make up if CO approved
What do the following words have in common: isosceles, equilateral, and scalene?
They are all triangles
how long can you be in the shower before staff much check on you? How long can you be in the shower before staff must physically see you?
every 5 minutes/ 15 minutes
Who is allowed to braid your hair or help you do your hair or make up
Staff, clients can not touch other clients and its at staff discretion so staff are NOT required to do this for you
When is your group work do
by the end of group unless instructor said otherwise
Clients must only wear wellfully clothes
false. Clients have personal clothes they can ONLY wear to bed.
. Who famously sings "Boys only want love if it's torture, Don't say I didn't, say I didn't warn ya"?
Taylor Swift
When can you do your laundry
On your scheduled laundry day during down time/ obs time
what is the consequence for major boundaries breaking
What are 5 rules you must follow while in group
no cross talk, no cussing, be appropriate, no judgment, patriciate
Going to your bedroom without asking to relocate is considered AWOL and could be LO2
What fish is used to make calamari
What do you need to do to your bedroom on deep clean
wash walls, make bed, wash cubbies, vacuum, wipe down drawers and dressers.
What should you do if someone breaks your boundaries
tell staff
Name 8 groups you have throughout the week
cherokee knows answers
While at wellfully if you have an allergy and that thing is made for dinner you must go without eating becuase staff will not cook something else just for you
Kitchen staff will be made aware of the allergy so they can make you something. WE DO NOT STARVE CHILDREN
What is the national animal of Scotland?
what time should your obs be completed and how many times a day do you have obs time
after breakfast/ after dinner
What are some emotional and mental boundaries that you need to be mindful of when on a unit with out people
music, words, talking about drugs/outs and other things thatc leints say triggers them. Being mindful of peers.
what are wake up times for weekends and weekdays, also include holidays. What are bed times and level betimes
8am for holidays and weekends.
6/7 am for weekdays
Bedtimes 8:30 then 9 for level 1 9:15-9:30 level 2 and level 3 is 9:30-45
How many oceans are there on Earth?
If you tipped 20% on a $15 bill, how much would the tip be?