What is the ideal temperature for sleeping?
65 degrees
Name one of the impacts of alcohol on the brain
Impairs memory, impairs concentration, slows processing speed
How much water should the average adult drink per day? (Hint: it's a formula!)
1/2 your body weight in lbs, divided by 8 = the number of cups (8oz) needed
Alzheimer's Disease is also sometimes referred to as Type ___ _____
Type 3 Diabetes
Name a food high in monounsaturated fats
olive oil, avocados, certain nuts and seeds
Insomnia - difficulty falling asleep - was associated with a 69% greater risk of having a myocardial infarction (MI) than among adults without insomnia. What is a myocardial infarction?
A heart attack
Name one emotional change after a brain injury
Anger and decreased frustration tolerance, aggression, difficulty regulating emotions, difficulty recognizing social-emotional cues from others, decreased self control
Your brain is what percentage water?
What do the letters in DASH stand for when referring to the DASH Diet
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
According to the CDC, what percentage of Americans are overweight?
"Insufficient Sleep" is defined as less than __ hours before night for most adults
Before the 1970s, how was mental health data tracked?
Hospital Reporting Data
Name one of the significant impacts of dehydration on mood
Decreased alertness, increased sleepiness, fatigue & confusion
Name one of the main food groups of the Mediterranean diet
Legumes, leafy greens, olive oil, fish, whole grains
Name one of the states with the highest life expectancy rates
Hawaii, Washington State, Minnesota, California, Massachusetts
Name one of the signs that you are not getting enough sleep
Trouble waking up or getting out of bed, struggling with focus or memory, frequent bad moods or short temper, feeling tired in the afternoons
Kevin Love wrote an op-ed piece in the Players Tribute after what event happened?
He had a panic attack during a basketball game
Name one of the strategies discussed to improve how much water you drink
Drink sparking water, carry a water bottle with you at all times, drink a glass of water before meals, go for herbal or green tea, eat fruits or vegetables with high water content
Fish and seafood contain a range of nutrients including healthy ___-3 fatty acids
What is the average life expectancy for Americans?
What do the letters in REM stand for when referring to REM Sleep?
Rapid Eye Movement
Two large ongoing and yearly studies are conducted by these two government agencies to seek and understand rates of mental illness in the USA. Name the agencies
CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Water-restricted mice live six months less than hydrated mice, which equals shortening a human lifespan by ___ years
Fruit juice can spike your blood sugar due to its high suagr content and low ___ content
high sugar and low fiber
What is one of the reasons that life expectancy declined in the US from 2019 to the present?
COVID-19, the opioid crisis