Name two things that can help improve your sleep hygiene.
Setting a schedule; using your bed only for sleeping; avoiding caffeine, nicotine, alcohol; sleeping in a quiet environment; exercising and eating well; avoid napping
Give one example of how stress can motivate you to do something.
Ex: You are concerned about having enough money to move out at 18 and are feeling stressed. You decide to get a job and focus on saving money.
Body language, gestures, and posture are examples of this type of communication.
There are multiple components to the stress response system. Once a stressor occurs and we experience symptoms, the next step is we make a cognitive assessment. This is the meaning of a cognitive assessment.
We either view the stressor from a positive or negative mindset.
True or False. Watching TV, using your phone, or using other electronics in bed causes you to be more alert, which negatively impacts your sleep hygiene.
The ways we manage our emotions and deal with stress are known as this.
Coping skills.
This character trait means you take responsibility for your actions.
This is what happens when we view the stressor from a negative mindset.
We avoid the challenge and don't develop any new skills.
Naps are harmful to your sleep hygiene when this occurs.
Napping for longer than one hour or napping later in the day.
This is a hormone that is released during stress, and encourages you to seek support or to offer support.
This character trait means you can sense, identify with, and understand what another person is feeling.
We are able to take what we have learned, or apply new behaviors, coping skills, or strategies to face future challenges.
This is the amount of time caffeine can stay in your body, which can impact your sleep.
12 hours
A pounding heart in response to a stress is preparing the body to do this.
These are 3 questions you can ask yourself to discover your purpose.
What do I like to do most? What's easy for me? What are my interests? What are my short and long term goals?
Give an example of having a positive mindset.
"I can do this." "This experience will teach me something." "I have the skills to deal with this situation."
These two things should be avoided at least 2 hours before going to bed.
Big meals and strenuous exercise.
The Ted Talk "How to Make Stress Your Friend" referenced the "biology of courage." Describe what this means.
Changing your mindset about stress has been shown in studies to cause physical changes in the body. When you think about stress being helpful to you, you build courage to face challenging situations.
This is the difference between empathy and pity.
When you have empathy, you respond to the other person with kindness and compassion. When you pity someone, you look down on them.
Robert grew up without much family support and his family struggled to pay the bills. During Robert's time in high school, he didn't have many close friends and felt like an outsider. He had a passion for working with his hands and took any classes he could to learn about different career opportunities. Robert also knew his family would not be able to help him with expenses of going to school, and told him he could no longer live there once he was 18. In addition to going to school and getting good grades, Robert worked a lot of hours. He met with his counselor and was able to get some support to go to tech school. Robert demonstrates this character trait.