Exercise is what kind of wellness?
What do you say when someone gives you something?
You're welcome
How you feel when you cry?
What is self-esteem?
How you feel about or see yourself
I am a place you go to that teaches you the education you will need in your life
Taking care of your feelings is what kind of wellness?
What do you do when you need to cough or sneeze?
Cover your mouth
A feeling characterized by smiling, laughing, and joyfulness
You should get how many hours of sleep every night?
I am someone who picks on you and makes you feel bad
What one word can define financial wellness?
The most important thing to say when you make a mistake or hurt someone's feelings
I'm sorry
This is how some people feel when they meet someone for the first time and it causes them to be nervous
Who is someone you can talk to when you are having big feelings?
Parent, teacher, therapist, friend, pet
I am a word that means that you are very sad for a long time
This type of wellness refers to the people you keep in your life
If two people are talking, what do you say if you need to get their attention?
Excuse me
How you feel when your hands sweat and your heart beats faster
How much exercise should you get every day
30 minutes
I cause someone to be fidgety and nervous
Being at peace within yourself is what kind of wellness?
"Do unto others how you want done to you" is called the what?
Golden Rule
How can you tell someone is feeling something if they do not talk about it?
What should you do with your feelings when they become big?
Talk about them!
I am a term for something you can do to distract yourself when you are having big feelings
Coping skills