Resources on Campus
DSU Health Insurance
DSU Student Health and Wellness
Mental Health Resources
Health Events and Workshops

How I can pick up a Naloxone kit

What is, making a Nursing appointment?


How I can opt-out of the DSU Health and Dental Plan if I have comparable and alternative coverage 

What is through Dal Online or the Student VIP portal during the opt-out period. 


Days the Student Health & Wellness Centre is open

What is Monday through Saturday


One of the mental health supports offered at Dal

What is same-day Counselling, Group Counselling, OR Stay Connected Mental Health Peer Support


How often Naloxone training sessions are offered through Dalhousie

What is Monthly?


The typical length of counselling appointments at Dal

What is 30-50 minutes

One of the groups of students who are not automatically covered by DSU Health and Dental Plan and must opt-in

What is students on a co-op, outgoing exchange, who are a distance or part time student or begin their studies in January or May.


Location of the Student Health & Wellness Centre

What is 1246 LeMarchant Place, 2nd floor


Two of the benefits of taking care of your mental health

What is

  • Less schoolwork missed due to illness

  • Improved memory, focus and attention  

  • School-life balance

  • Personal development

  • Resiliency

  • Social skills 

  • Ability to take care of others


The two regular service clinics offered to students

What are flu shot clinics and STI screening clinics


Three of the many professionals you can book an appointment with at the Dalhousie Student Health and Wellness Centre.

What is 

  • Doctors/Physicians

  • Psychiatrists

  • Psychologists

  • Nurses

  • Social worker 

  • Counsellors (for same-day counselling)


Things the DSU Health Plan offers coverage for

What is coverage for: prescriptions, dental, travel, accident, vision and more

How to book an appointment at the Student Health and Wellness Centre

What is online via or calling the Centre at 1-902-494-2171 during operating hours.


One of the three e-Mental health tools mentioned in the presentation

What is Good2talk, TAO, Togetherall?


Description of Dal After Dark

What is: a program that provides Dalhousie and King’s students with an opportunity to host fun and interactive events that are alcohol-free and open to all

One of the two apps that International Students may find particularly useful

Hint: one is a confidential help-line, and the other allows access to health insurance coverage and benefits, you health card, and information sbout campus supports

What is IM Well App or My Peak App


How early health plan cards and billing services can be used

What is September 1st, 2022

However, note that if you wish to opt out and have already used the services provided to you, you will not be eligible to opt out and will hold coverage for the remaining of the policy year.


The three things you will need for your appointment at the Dalhousie Student Health and Wellness centre

What is identification, health insurance card, knowledge of your medical history


Tthe organization that offers a variety of online and telephone mental health services

What is Healthy Minds NS


Who the Dalhousie Mental Health Forum is co-led by

DSU VP Student Life and Student Health and Wellness Director of Counselling & Psychological Services, Dr. David Pilon.
