Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Social Wellness
Financial Wellness
Environmental Wellness

Avoiding the use of these TWO chemicals/substances will help improve or maintain your level of physical wellness...

What are drugs, alcohol, or tobacco/nicotine?


Being well emotionally allows you to take the steps in order to reduce your _______ levels?

What is stress levels?


List two words that describe Social Wellness.

What is Meaningful relationships, Respect, Friendships, Support System, Communication


A tool that banks offer to help you keep track of your money amount and how much you are spending?

What is a savings/checking account


What is a resource funded by the government to receive food at a reduced cost, or for free?

What is a food bank or food stamps?


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.

Limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. Lack of sleep can contribute to acne and other skin problems. Lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at others or being impatient. Cause you to eat too much or eat unhealthy foods like sweets and fried foods that lead to weight gain. At a higher risk of getting sick.


Emotional Wellness includes positive self-talk. Complete these blanks for the pattern of positive self-talk: What you say to yourself affects how you ____, this affects how you ___.

1. Feel 2. Act


When you have an _______-_______, you are more willing to accept new ideas, new cultures, new knowledge, new skills and new environments.

What is open-mind?


What is a resource funded by the government to receive food at a reduced cost, or for free?

What is a food bank or food stamps


Examples of environmental threats include: (name two)

air pollution, chemicals, water pollution, drugs, gun violence.


Name one thing you should do to keep your body in good health

Exercise, drink water, get a good night's sleep


What are some ways to deal with your emotions?

Talk to someone, take deep breaths, go for a walk, write it down, listen to music, etc.


What are some dangers in using social networking sites that can affect your social wellness?

Once a post is placed on the site it is permanent, even if this was deleted. Emotional outbursts online can damage relationships. Strangers. Hackers. Comparison


The process allocating money in the expectation of some return benefit in the future.

What is investment


This is one of the worst materials for our planet because it does not break down.

What is plastic?


You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best.

8 hours


Feeling good about ones's self, having confidence in your own self worth or abilities...having a healthy level of called what?

What is self-esteem/ or self confidence?


2 ways you can maintain and/or improve your social wellness?

EXAMPLES: What is join an organization, practice listening, ask for help, balance social and personal time, etc


What is a document you need to have readily available, so that when an opportunity for work arises you are ready to present it to help gain employment?

What is a resume, or your license?


True or false: improving environmental wellness include people, places, and things?

What is true

Keeping your body in top condition also includes keeping your ______ health in top condition in order to keep a balanced physical wellness.

What is mental health


Emotional Wellness is shown when you can express your feelings. What are basic 3 emotions that you potentially express each day?

What is happiness, anger, sadness, joyfulness, fear, or disgust.


When someone is able to effectively say what they are thinking and/or want to another person, they have done this successfully?

What is communication


Name three types of information you need to start working on your financial plan.

What is "bank statement," "will," "insurance policies," "investment statements," "previous tax returns," "checkbook," "personal budget," "personal balance" "personal income and expense statement", "goal sheet?"


List TWO ways you can improve your home environmental wellness...

declutter living areas (clean), make bed, do dishes, make the space comfortable, indoor plants, etc...
