Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Social Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Environmental Wellness

You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best.

8-10 hours


Give an example of how Emotional Wellness is shown?

- When you can express your feelings in an appropriate manner. 

- When you persevere through a challenging time

- When you engage in positive self-talk

- When you are able to a express a wide arrange of emotions: such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, love, and disgust


List two words that describe Social Wellness.

 Meaningful relationships, Respect, Friendships, Support System


Describe Intellectual Wellness?

Recognizing your unique talents/ skills and seeking out ways to use those talents/skills so that you develop them.


What does environmental wellness mean?

Having good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. 


Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.

- You are at a higher risk of getting sick (weakened immune system) 

- Low energy, slow moving, slow thinking 

- Foggy memory 

- Easily triggered with potential mood swings or variations

- Impact on normal physical growth and development


What does Positive Self-Talk look like?

- Having a friendly and encouraging conversation with yourself inside your own head. It's about using words and thoughts that lift you up instead of bringing you down.

- Using positive statements even when experiencing a challenging time

- Looking for the bright side of things

- Reminding yourself of what your are good at

- Focusing on what you are grateful for


What are some things that a person could join (within their community) to increase their social wellness?

  1. Clubs and Organizations (IYT)
  2. Sports Teams
  3. local Government
  4. Cultural or Language Clubs
  5. Peer Tutoring or Mentoring Programs
  6. Performing Arts Groups
  7. Hobby or Interest Groups
  8. Events Committees

What does it mean to have a 'growth mindset'?

Having a growth mindset means believing that your abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence. Instead of thinking that your qualities are fixed traits, a growth mindset is about understanding that you can improve and grow over time through hard work and learning from experiences.


Having good Environmental wellness does not only have to do with how you can help the planet. What else does it refer to?

Environmental wellness can refer to:

- to your community

- To your home life

- To your personal space (like your room at home or your desk at school or your school locker)


What is the recommended water intake amount for young people ages 14-18

About 8-11 cups


What are two consequences of negative self-talk?

- May lead to depression or anxiety

- Inability to recognize your strengths

- May cause you to withdraw away from people who care about you

- May cause physical effects like headaches, muscle tension, stomach aches, and weakened immune system


What are some things to consider when using social media sites, that can affect your social wellness?

1. Spending too much time can distract you from taking care of other responsibilities

2. Be mindful of your digital footprint. What you put out in social media may be used against you later (i.e. employers may look up your profile)

3. Don't be afraid to be your authentic self! Sometimes viewing other people's lives through the lens of social media may make you feel less than. Remember, everyone is only posting their highlights!

4. Nothing beats actual in-person connection 


Name two practical ways to develop Intellectual Wellness?

  • Reading
  • Keeping a journal for reflection
  • Doing puzzles or playing challenging games (crosswords, sudoku, chess)
  • Debating issues with others who have opposing viewpoints
  • Learning a new language or musical instrument
  • Trying a new hobby
  • Teaching and tutoring others

What are 2 examples of not having healthy environmental wellness.

- Toxic home life

- Having a messy room

- Living within a neighborhood that has a high level of crime

- Experiencing bullying at school

- Having to sit in a classroom with a teacher that is discriminatory 


Name at least 2 things you can try to do to IMPROVE sleep if you are finding it hard to get

- Make sleeping a priority (create a routine if possible)

- Turn off devices 20-30 minutes before going to bed

- Avoid caffeinated drinks later in the afternoon/evening

- Practice Mindfulness/Self-Care/Breathing/Meditation techniques in the evening

-Speak to a doctor


Why is it important to practice resiliency when going through a challenging time?

Practicing resiliency is crucial during challenging times as it empowers individuals to adapt, maintain emotional well-being, develop problem-solving skills, and foster a positive outlook on life


What are some ways introverts (or shy) individuals can practice good social wellness?

1. Start with just building strong connections with a small group a friends

2. Find like-minded individuals who share interest

3. Know your limits and set boundaries. 


What's the average amount of time a person should read per day to improve intellectual growth

At least 15 minutes a day


Give an example of how poor Environmental Wellness could negatively impact Emotional wellness

If a student lives in an area where the crime rate is high, it may cause that student to stress which would increase poor emotional wellness


How much physical activity should the average young adult get WEEKLY?

Approximately 150 minutes of physical activity each week (roughly 20 minutes per day)


Name AT LEAST 2 things you can do to improve Emotional Wellness if you are feeling Low (isolated, depressed, anxious..etc.)

Self-Care (hot bath, tea, get a massage, sleep, meditate)

Talk to a Support (friend, family, teacher, counselor) 

Journal, write a poem, Write a to-do list.

Creative Expression (art, music, dance)


Name something a person can do to increase social wellness at this conference?

1. Participate in all the activities. Engage

2. Try to meet someone new

3. Ask any questions I have about social wellness tips to one of the staff here at the conference


Why is it important to have Intellectual Wellness?

Developing new skills, learning about new cultures, opens you up to meeting new people. People who develop intellectual wellness are more likely to maintain good cognitive function as they age.


List 2 ways you can practice Environmental Wellness 

- Making your bed

-Participating in community events

- Recycling

-Expressing yourself

- Removing yourself from toxic friendships

- Having an supportive adult advocate to get you removed from a class (if the teacher is being discriminatory) 
