You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best.
8-10 hours
True or False: Emotional Wellness is shown when you can express your feelings.
List two words that describe Social Wellness.
Meaningful relationships, Respect, Friendships, Support System
What can we do to help our brain come up with new and fresh ideas?
- Research
-Talk to a friend
Define Environmental Wellness
Being in places that stimulate and support well-being. Taking care of the planet, Exmp Not littering.
Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.
-You are at a higher risk of getting sick (weakened immune system)
- Low energy, slow moving, slow thinking
- Foggy memory
- Easily triggered with potential mood swings or variations
Emotional Wellness includes positive self-talk. Complete these blanks for the pattern of positive self-talk: What you say to yourself affects how you ____, this affects how you act, and this affects the _____.
1. Feel
2. outcome, results, consequences
What are some groups/clubs that help with social wellness?
Sports teams, School clubs (extracurricular activities) etc...
List AT LEAST two words that are associated with Intellectual Wellness.
Critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, learning, teaching, problem solving, analysis, drawing conclusions...etc.
True or False:
Environmental wellness only has to do with having how you can help the planet.
Environmental wellness can mean how to be "green or planet conscious" however environmental wellness can be how your community affects you or how the environment of your school effects you
What does Physical Wellness mean?
Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy body and quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress.
Contributors: Food, Hydration, Exercise, Sleep...etc.
What are two consequences of not having balanced Emotional Wellness?
Emotional outbursts, don't communicate your feelings, using unhealthy defense mechanisms, unhealthy habits, feeling overwhelmed with your emotions, and little self-control.
What are some dangers in using social networking sites that can affect your social wellness?
Once a post is placed on the site it is permanent, even if this was deleted. Emotional outbursts are not a healthy way, online, to communicate.
What are some signs of intellectual wellness?
What are three examples of not having healthy environmental wellness?
Toxic work environment, having a messy room, inability to express yourself in your environment. Littering.
Name at least 4 things you can try to do to IMPROVE sleep if you are finding it hard to get
- Make sleeping a priority (create a routine if possible)
- Turn off devices 20-30 minutes before going to bed
- Avoid caffeine later in the afternoon/evening
- Practice Mindfulness/Self-Care/Breathing/Meditation techniques in the evening
-Speak to a doctor
List AT LEAST two words that describe emotional wellness.
Coping, Communication, Connection, Balance, Feelings, Managing, Self Talk
What can you do to help you Social Wellness online?
Reread what you are about to post before you make it permanent. Have a friend or family look over your posts. If you are feeling upset or frustrated turn off the social networking site. Don’t look at social networking sites everyday.
List three ways that Intellectual Wellness could be improved within a classroom setting.
Get to know other people in your class, share your opinion and your voice, have fun, ask questions, listen actively, read a book, or search out something that interests you, etc...
List AT LEAST 2 words that describe Environmental Wellness.
Responsibility, self-expression, clean, community, ect
What are 3 Examples Of Anaerobic Exercises?
Sprinting, Football, Powerlifiting, HIIT Workouts & Plyometrics
Name AT LEAST 5 things you can do to improve Emotional Wellness if you are feeling Low (isolated, depressed, anxious..etc.)
Self-Care (hot bath, tea, get a massage, sleep, meditate)
Talk to a Support (friend, family, teacher, counselor)
Journal, write a poem, Write a to-do list.
Creative Expression (art, music, dance)
Name three ways to increase social wellness within this classroom.
Communication, safe environment, group work, brain breaks, (anything else describing a welcoming community)
Why is it important to have Intellectual Wellness?
Developing new skills, learning about new cultures, opens you up to meeting new people. People who develop intellectual wellness are more likely to maintain good cognitive function as they age.
List 3 ways you can practice Environmental Wellness
- Making your bed
-Participating in community events
- Recycling
-Expressing yourself