Finding inner peace and purpose in life?
What is Spiritual.
What are the 3 Macronutrients?
What is Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates.
How do you restart play when the defense kicks the ball out of bounds at the goal line in Soccer?
What is a Corner kick for the offense.
What is "Never Give Up".
Name 2 weight lifting exercises that strengthen your back muscles?
What is Lat Pulldown, rowing, chin ups.
What are the two subcategories of the Social Dimension?
What is Interpersonal and Intrapersonal.
What is it called when you hit the ball forward in Rugby?
What is a Knock on resulting in a scrum?
What is "Believe in Yourself".
What component of fitness does the beep test measure?
What is cardiovascular fitness?
Name 3 lifestyle related diseases that are brought on by high sugar diets?
What is heart disease, stroke, diabetes (insulin resistance, metabolic disease, visual impairments), cancer, obesity, etc.
What is the area between the net and the attack line called in Pickleball?
Which team gets the point?
Team 1 serves and the ball goes over the net. Team 2 blocks the serve and the ball lands on team 1's court.
What is Team 1, because you cannot block or spike a serve.