Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Environmental Wellness
Social Wellness
Financial Wellness

The amount of water recommended for teens to drink daily.

What is 8 to 11 cups of water?


The practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness.

What is self care?


Taking small steps to make your environment safer and limiting your exposure to potentially harmful substances to keep you healthier.

What is environmental wellness?


Building and engaging in trusting, respectful, and authentic relationships.

What is social wellness?


Practices that help you manage your money effectively, secure financial stability, and achieve financial freedom.

What is financial freedom?


Three main nutrients important to growth and overall health.

What are protein, fat, and carbohydrates? 


Healthy coping mechanisms that help us to manage stress and emotions.

What are coping skills?


Health benefits of being in nature.

What is calming the nervous systems and alleviating anxiety?

Name three activities that increase social wellness.

What is...

  • Volunteering at a school, library, hospital, or place of worship.
  • Learning something new. Take a cooking, writing, art, music, or computer class.
  • Being open to new people and ideas

Tracking expenses, eliminating debt, and building an emergency fund.

What is budgeting?


The necessary number of steps needed each day.

What are 10,000 to 16,000 steps per day?


These are the most common healthy coping skills among youth. (name one)

What is...

Listening to music

Creating art

Deep breaths 

Taking a walk

Talking with a therapist


These three R's are used to encourage people to waste less and protect the environment.

What is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle."


While they differ from person to person, this thing sets our expectations clearly for ourselves and others. 

What is a healthy boundary?


Name three ways to improve financial wellness.

What is...

  • Creating a budget.
  • Saving and investing.
  • Planning for long-term goals.

The number of times you must visit the doctor each year?

What is once each year? Annual physicals allow your doctor to review any changes that have occurred over the last year and encourage healthy choices and lifestyle.


This is an unhealthy coping skill.

What is using drugs and alcohol to provide a quick way to change or numb difficult emotions?


This is considered both e-waste (because of their circuitry and lithium-ion batteries) and acute hazardous waste

What are disposable vapes? 


Name three healthy boundaries. 

What is...

Decling anything you don't want to do 

Expressing your emotions honestly and respectfully, without blaming or attacking others 

Addressing issues promptly rather than bottling up feelings.


An average of $50-$75 per month or $600-$900 per year is spent on this per person.

What are vapes or e-cigarettes?


This could be one physical consequence of drinking alcohol every day.

What is sleep quality will decrease, brain volume may shrink, or the immune system may be damaged?


This is the number for the 24/7 suicide and mental health crisis lifeline. This lifeline can be called and texted for 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors. 

What is 988?


This surge of this as litter leaks nicotine and other toxic chemicals into the environment or be ingested by wildlife or pets. 

What are vapes?


Name three things that build a healthy relationship.

What is... 

  • Compromise. Try to come to agreements that work for everyone.
  • Listen to others without judgement or blame. Be caring and empathetic.
  • Share your feelings honestly.

Name some short term financial goals.

What is...

Save to buy a new phone, a new video game, go to a concert, a new outfit, etc
