Star of the movie "Free Solo"
Alex Honnold
The son of Anakin, this Jedi master is the star of the original Star Wars movies
Luke Skywalker
With a summit of 14,505, this state has the highest mountain in the contiguous US
Sitting at the confluence of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek, this metropolis is now the capitol of Colorado
Myles' nickname and the easiest Colorado 14er named for a famous American landscape painter
The Bierstadt
The first two people to summit Mt. Everest
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
This small green jedi might say something like "strong in this one"
With an area of 665,384 square miles, this is the largest state in the US
The highest-elevation city in the United States named for the the element with the symbol Pb
The most toxic masculine person at CC and the only known animal where the male carries the egg to term
Chelsea horse
Adam Ondra
The creator of Star Wars
George Lucas
With 124 tornadoes a year, this state is also known for barbecue
This city south of Colorado Springs was supposed to be "the Pittsburg of the West"
Most hated student in Block 3 Gen Chem 1 and the governor of the state he is from
Chase Gavin Newsom
Known for his books "Into Thin Air" and "Into The Wild", this author is also an accomplished mountaineer
Jon Krakauer
Daily Double
New Jersey
This Colorado town is known for their peaches
The only primate other than humans known to perform face-to-face sexual acts and our dear redhead friend
Bonobo Toepfer
The first woman to climb 9a+ (5.15a), also released a diss track last year
Margo Hayes
Iconic for its firey atmosphere, this planet is where Anikan and Obi-wan have their confrontation at the end of Revenge of the Sith
With 50.9 million passengers a year, this southern state has the busiest airport in the US
Sharing a name with an Italian city, this town has the highest security prison in the US and has held prisoners like the Unabomber and many 9/11 terrorists
Chelsea's illustrious roommate and a 1970s New York City serial killer
Lauren Larson of Sam