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Earth's Best Employer
Hire & Develop the Best
Earth's Best Employer
Hire & Develop the Best

What’s the best way to learn what employees are thinking about Amazon and their business?

1. Send an email to the 851k people on the amazon@ mailing list, not Bcc’d

2. Walk around the office and ask everyone how they are feeling

3. Leverage Surveys Powered by Connections to send self-service high respondent engagement surveys customized for your needs 

4. Setup 1,000, 1 minute 1-on-1s

3. Leverage Surveys Powered by Connections to send self-service high respondent engagement surveys customized for your needs


What are you doing to help streamline the joining Amazon process and reduce the load on HR from collecting a candidate’s data as they become Amazonians?

1. Ask the candidates the same question about where they live over and over, to try and catch them in an error. We don’t hire people who get caught in lies.

2.  Moving the Personal Information Collection process to before offer accept, so we can use a single form to capture all the info we need to create a contract and start at Amazon.

3. Using ChatGTP to create realistic hallucinations about the candidate’s personal life.Dealing with ambiguity is an important part of being an Amazonian. If they can’t handle multiple disconnected process just to start, we don’t want them here.

4. We’re just not going to hire external candidates any more as a cost savings measure.

2. Moving the Personal Information Collection process to before offer accept, so we can use a single form to capture all the info we need to create a contract and start at Amazon.


Bar Raiser Scheduling: How are we improving the interviewer experience for bar raisers?  

1. We are launching a series of new products called Preference-Based Scheduling and Insights (PBSI). PBSI is based on a flywheel that is centered around a set of bar raiser preferences and constraints, and have our system (Hire) to only schedule BRs within such preferences and constraints.

2. We are telling bar raisers not to do any interviews.

3. We are going to give gift cards to Bar Raisers for every interview they do.

4. We have way more important things to do then improve the bar raiser experience.

1. We are launching a series of new products called Preference-Based Scheduling and Insights (PBSI). PBSI is based on a flywheel that is centered around a set of bar raiser preferences and constraints, and have our system (Hire) to only schedule BRs within such preferences and constraints.


When developing a frontline worker’s tech deployment – you need include the following:


1. Nobody – we’re a smart tech team; we tell them what’s right

2. The GMs – they have all of the answers

3. The Associates – give them everything they want

4. The PXT Field team – because we know they rock

5. Bring in all impacted to ensure the minimum requirements are met for all

5. Bring in all impacted to ensure the minimum requirements are met for all


How are we helping new hires to feel included and connected with their team?

  1. Sending every new hire 3D-printed, team-branded SWAG so they can match with their teammates
  2. Assigning every new hire an Onboarding Buddy and recommending key Amazonians for them to meet throughout their first 90 days.
  3. Providing 2 pizzas to feed the team on the employee’s first day
  4. In the first 90 days all new hires are required to use phone tool and linked in to discover and build their network
  5. We’re here to work, not make friends.

2. Assigning every new hire an Onboarding Buddy and recommending key Amazonians for them to meet throughout their first 90 days.


How does an Amazon Associate view their schedules?

  1. They go to Facebook Amazon Group
  2. They view as an INSTALLment in the bathroom
  3. They open up the Amazon Schedules app
  4. They go to AtoZ 

4. They go to AtoZ 


How are employees being better supported with Benefits?

1. Employees and their families will receive free rubber ducks to encourage bathing, and thereby promote good hygiene and mental health.

2. Employees will have access to a new personalized experience to easily find, discover, and enroll in benefits on A to Z.

3. Employees can sign up for a new service to improve their social media presence (and self-confidence) with LLM and ML technology that updates their social media profiles and generates personalized content based on their badge photo and work emails.

4. Kuiper satellites are launching with new lighting technology that will cure seasonal affective disorder.

5. Security cameras will scan body types and require completion of a customized workout routine prior to entering Amazon buildings.

2.  Employees will have access to a new personalized experience to easily find, discover, and enroll in benefits on A to Z.


Interview Competencies: How are we using research to build optimal standard interview loops? 

1. We are going to add a competency about what music a candidate likes to every interview loop.

2. Let’s not and say we did.

3. We are building standard loop recommendations into Hire for job codes where science tells us the correct competencies to screen for.

4. We are going to ask ChatGPT to recommend what competencies to use for interview loops.

3. We are building standard loop recommendations into Hire for job codes where science tells us the correct competencies to screen for.


In a tech deployment, how do you gain adoption by the business lines?

1 Mandate as soon as you are out of pilot

2. Ask nicely during WBRs if they have interest

3. Present success metrics to the business with weekly progress updates on progress and ROI

4. Hope, lots and lots of hope

3. Present success metrics to the business with weekly progress updates on progress and ROI


 How are we helping Amazonians grow their careers?

  1. Replacing managers and HRBPs with ChatGPT
  2. Building a career conversation experience to empower every Amazonian with the knowledge, tools, and support to achieve their career goals
  3. Auto-promoting Amazonians every two years
  4. Orchestrating the world’s largest largest game of musical chairs for 1.5M Amazonians
  5. Canceling customer-facing goals for the year and enrolling all Amazonians in a year-long training course on how to deep dive on who moved your cheese

2. Building a career conversation experience to empower every Amazonian with the knowledge, tools, and support to achieve their career goals


What is a Shout-Out?

  1. When your child leaves a Lego on the ground and you step on it
  2. A stain remover sold as a spray and a convenient mobile wipe
  3. The final segment of the Maury Povich show with the paternity reveal
  4. A fun and engaging recognition program live for associates and launching for corporate employees 

4. A fun and engaging recognition program live for associates and launching for corporate employees 


What should Amazonians do to get best HR support?

1. Win the lottery

2. Sing the alphabets from A to Z

3. Wait in line at the licensing office

4. Call Oprah for advice

5. Go to the AtoZ App and click on MyHR.

5. Go to the AtoZ App and click on MyHR.


Assessments: Online assessments enable us to effectively hire at scale. In 2022, we offered 42 different online assessments that were delivered to over 2.5M candidates globally. How many business phone screens did online assessments replace last year?

1. 49,346

2. Too many to count!

3. 250,000,000

4.  1,000,000

4. 1,000,000


In a tech collaboration, what is the key to hitting timelines with dynamic partnerships with tech dependencies?

1. Don’t worry about it we all work for Amazon it will go smoothly

2. Draw straws to see what gets covered

3. Have clear 3YP and OP plans to help all involved see the path forward and be prepared for the give and takes of the ask

4. Yell, a lot

3. Have clear 3YP and OP plans to help all involved see the path forward and be prepared for the give and takes of the ask3. Have clear 3YP and OP plans to help all involved see the path forward and be prepared for the give and takes of the ask


 How do Forte and Lift teach managers about evaluating employees that fall into common scenarios like recently promoted or recently hired?

  1. Forte and Lift instruct managers to enroll in scavenger hunts to find the answers in the Ivy help center
  2. We collect feedback from 1,000 managers per year on what they would do and show the top 5 answers in product.
  3. Forte and Lift don’t do this – it’s up to every manager to come up with their own approach.
  4. Forte and Lift instruct the managers to go phone a friend for questions like this.
  5. Forte and Lift show personalized guidance to managers in the flow of work on how to evaluate employees that were recently promoted, recently hired, recently changed roles, or recently on LOA. This includes references that there are no default ratings for these scenarios, as well as guidance on the talent philosophy and reflection questions to help inspect that employee’s performance and potential.


  • Correct Answer: Forte and Lift show personalized guidance to managers in the flow of work on how to evaluate employees that were recently promoted, recently hired, recently changed roles, or recently on LOA. This includes references that there are no default ratings for these scenarios, as well as guidance on the talent philosophy and reflection questions to help inspect that employee’s performance and potential.

Where should I go to get an overview of and deep dive my (and leaders’ I support) org heath?

  1. I don’t know…ask my HRBP
  2. ChatGPT
  3. Clarity, which offers over 1k metrics and a customizable landing page which shows all the Amazon People KPIs and allows deep dives through customizable reports.
  4. I don’t worry about Org Health, I just schedule weekly happy hours at The Local.

3. Clarity, which offers over 1k metrics and a customizable landing page which shows all the Amazon People KPIs and allows deep dives through customizable reports. 
