What is the Arabic word for Forbidden in Islam?
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in this city.
This term refers to the belief in the oneness of Allah.
This prophet is considered the father of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths.
Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
This event, which happened in 622 CE, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
What is the Shahadah?
The Declaration of Faith, That there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
This was the name of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) parents.
Mother: Amina
Father: Abdullah
According to Islam, Allah is described as having no partners and no equals. To associate partners with Allah is called _______.
Which Prophet is named Isra'eel?
Prophet Ya'qub (AS)
This was the first battle fought by the Muslims, in which they were greatly outnumbered but still victorious.
The Battle of Badr.
How many times do you have to complete Hajj?
Once in your lifetime (if you have the ability to).
This year is referred to as the "Year of Sadness," due to the loss of two important figures in the Prophet's life. Who are they?
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA), the first wife of the Prophet (S) for 25 years.
Abu Talib (RA), the uncle of the Prophet (S) who was like a second father.
This attribute of Allah refers to His complete knowledge and awareness of everything, past, present, and future.
Al-'Aleem, the All-Knowing.
Other than Prophet Ibrahim and Ismaeel, name another example of a father son prophet duo?
Yaqub and Yusuf; Dawud and Sulayman; Zakariyya and Yahya.
This companion was known as the "Sword of Allah" and played a key role in early Islamic battles.
Saifullah, Khalid ibn Al-Walid.
What does Zakat mean?
What was the month that the Battle of Badr took place?
Ramadan 2 AH
What is the first name of the 99 names of Allah, which means The Most Merciful?
Which Prophet met a man named Al-Khidr?
Prophet Musa (AS).
This is the term for the belief that Allah has decreed everything, including what will happen in the future.
This angel is mentioned in the Qur'an as the one who protects the Paradise gates.
What was the city of Madinah called before it was called Madinah?
This is the bridge all people will cross on the Day of Judgment, thinner than a hair, sharper than a sword.
Which Prophet was the cousin of 'Isa (AS)?
Prophet Yahya (AS)
This term refers to the practice of dedicating a portion of one’s income for charity, which can be voluntary in addition to Zakat.