French Revolution
Time Periods
Ideas & Concepts
1793-1794 was the most radical and bloody phase of the French Revolution, during which counterrevolutionaries were brutally oppressed by various horrific means - most famously by guillotine. This year is commonly called "The ______ "

The Terror


Although Christopher Columbus was Italian by birth, when he reached the Americas he was working for THIS European nation



This thousand year period which followed the fall of the Roman Empire is best defined as a civilization for which GOD AND HEAVEN were the center of all societal gravity

The Middle Ages


The 1648 Conference of Westphalia formally ended the wars of religion. Most importantly, the delegates collectively agreed that religion would thereafter be the business of the ruler inside his own realm. This was the final nail in the coffin of the medieval idea of a united Christian is therefore considered the BIRTH of the ________ ________

Nation State


This is the name given to the trade system of the 18th century Atlantic World; a trade heavily dependent upon the movement of slaves. Essentially, trade routes and ships moved from Europe ---> Africa ----> Americas ----> Europe, and the repeated.

Triangular Trade


The French equivalent to American Independence Day is July 14, 1789. It commemorates THIS PIVOTAL EVENT that kicked off the French Revolution

Storming the Bastille "Bastille Day"

This European nation lost the first truly global War to Great Britain, the Seven Years' War in 1763, which resulted in the loss of all its North American colonies



In the simplest terms, thinkers of THIS period refocused intellectuals and progress AWAY from religion - and also - AWAY from just societal elites. Instead, they focused on creating a better society for all humanity, with little regard for social status or questions of religion.

The Enlightenment


Thomas Hobbes saw the "State of Nature" as generally a bad thing. Name two adjectives which he used to describe life in this pre-societal place.

solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short


Western Civilization is generally considered the product of THESE TWO cultural/historical traditions

Judeo-Christian Religious Heritage 

Greco-Roman (Classical) Secular Heritage


Initially, most Revolutionaries did NOT want to remove the king. Instead, they wanted to create a mixed system involving a king and democratic assemblies. Such a government is called a _______________ ___________.

Constitutional Monarchy


The Renaissance period (1400-1527) represented a new embrace of the pre-Christian, human-focused culture of Greece and Rome (although Christianity remained of central importance). It BEGAN in this modern day European nation



Classical Antiquity is regarded as the civilization of _______ and _______

Greece and Rome

The Italian scientist Galileo spent the latter years of life under house arrest, because religious authorities wished to suppress his support for the _____________ view of the Solar System. (relationship of sun to earth and planets)

Heliocentric or Copernican


During the Middle Ages, monks divided society ideally into Three Orders. The advances of the Renaissance and Enlightenment changed society so it no longer reflected this ideal (although elites tried to maintain it nevertheless up through the French Revolution.) This society of "Three Orders" was divined into...

Those who Worked, Fought and Prayed


The Women's March to Versailles (the royal palace 12 miles from Paris) was an EARLY event in the Revolution that resulted in the king and queen being....

forced to return with them to Paris and take up permanent residence in the Tuileries Palace.


Prior to the American Revolution, THIS nation was arguably the most democratic in the world. It's government was a mix of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy.

What is Great Britain (England)

Western warfare during the 1700s was considered the "Sport of Kings" and (ideally) involved linear formations of brightly dressed soldiers fighting set piece battles by "gentlemenly" rules. Warfare during this period - in theory - did not involve civilian populations. The period has therefore been named "The Age of __________ Warfare"

Limited or Linear


Monarchy during the Middle Ages was "diluted" and not all powerful because kings had to answer - in part - to the Pope and did not enjoy complete power over church lands or members in their kingdoms. Following the Reformation and Wars of Religion, however, kings were able to shake such restrictions. This is called " __________ Monarchy"

Absolute Monarchy

Jesus' parable regarding a shepherd risking the whole flock to save a single lost sheep and Benjamin Franklin's story about allowing 99 guilty men to go free to save 1 innocent man, are examples of THIS fundamental Western concept



Many Revolutionaries despised organized religion, and during the most radical phase of the Revolution tried to root out the religion which most French people practiced, Roman Catholicism. This process was called



This smaller European nation led the way during the Age of Exploration, by way of pioneering navigators like Vasco de Gama and Henry the Navigator. These early discoverers and this nation, however, were soon fully eclipsed in power and fame by the Spanish discovery of America under Columbus.  



The Scientific Revolution (1600s-1700s) differed from Medieval/Classical science because it removed religious teaching or even philosophical reason as evidence for proving theories. Instead, it demanded that scientific theories MUST be proven by ___________ .



Adam Smith used THIS METAPHOR to describe the natural power of supply and demand within a Free Market economy. He argued that governments did NOT need to interfere, the pursuit of profit and the forces of supply and demand - just like an _____________ - would ultimately produce the best outcomes for everyone.

Invisible Hand


The most important factor that differentiated a NOBLE from a COMMONER in Western History was ....

Family Name / Bloodline
