You cannot enter a basketball game without this.
What is my student ID?
Things you can say to show respect to friends, family, and staff...
What is "Please..." Hello..." "I appreciate it when you..." "Thanks for..." "I'm really glad that..."
This is what I get from a security guard if I'm late to class.
What is a tardy pass?
This is proper hallway movement.
What is stay to the right and keep walking.
What I bring with me to class.
What is planner, completed homework, something to write with, other materials as requested by the teacher.
This is worn in the front, above your waist and below your shoulders.
What is your ID?
You hear a joke that insults a whole group of people. To show respect, you can...
What is not repeat it or laugh at it.
This helps you get to class on time.
What is walking quickly? Getting there early. Paying attention to the hallway clocks.
If you can touch the hallway wall's with your hand you know that __________.
What is close enough to the lockers and can hang out with friends to talk (before heading to class on time)?
What I can touch in the classroom.
What is only what is yours. (Keep your hands off of other people's stuff unless you have permission!)
This is how often a student should wash their gym uniform.
What is 1-2 times per week?
Tolerance means...
What is accepting and respecting the opinions, practices and behavior of others- even if you do not agree.
How I enter a room if I'm late.
What is quietly with a pass, then start working on what the rest of the class is doing.
What you should say to people when they are standing around in the way in the hallway.
What is "Excuse me.", "Can I please get past?", "Watch out please, I don't want to run into you."
What I do if I'm totally lost in class.
What is talk to the teacher after class and let them know your concerns. Speak with your IA, IR, study hall teacher and ask for extra help or go to AAC.
"No crack: front or back" is related to ____________.
What is the dress code? You will get scanned with a dress code violation if certain body parts are too visible.
Some examples of respect in action are:
What is Smiling. Listening to what your friends have to say- don't interrupt. Saying hello to someone who isn't in your circle of friends. Talking in calm tones- don't yell. Offering to help someone with their homework.
When you are going to be absent from school.
What is have your parent's call you in. Check teacher's e-chalk page to find out what you are going to miss. Call friends to bring your books home for you.
What I do when I hear the warning bell ring during passing period.
What is start walking to class.
Situation: I'm having a no good, rotten, REALLY bad day. What I should do...
What is give your teacher a heads up that you're a bit 'off' and ask for what you need: A moment to collect yourself, a bit of understanding if you can't answer questions or participate like you usually do, a pass to go to your House.
When I see a fight in the hallway.
What is turn around and go a different way so I can get to class on time. Notify a nearby adult.
This is what you should do if you see a student getting pushed around or picked on.
What is stick up for them? If you know the aggressor, tell them they're "not funny", it's "not cool", or to "cut it out"? or tell a staff member or trusted adult?
How I make sure I won't fall asleep in class.
What is get a good night's sleep, eating breakfast, take notes to focus your thoughts, participate in classroom discussions.
When I eat a snack in the hallway.
What is throw my garbage away. Pick up any large pieces that fall on the floor. Notify a nearby adult if there's a spill.
What I do during an emergency.
What is keep calm. Listen for teacher direction. Follow instructions.