What character is compared to a panther?
Tony - the "Polish Panther"
Who used to be the leader of the Jets?
What color is the main dress in the story?
"Dear Mr. Klouse" is what part of a letter?
What creatures are gangs compared to in the story?
What character loves comic books?
Baby John
Who is Maria's brother?
Who wears the main dress in the story?
The date on the upper right corner of a letter
What is foreshadowing? (3 acceptable answers)
hint, warning, prediction
What leader should make you think of a jet?
Riff - he is the leader of the Jets gang
What gang is from Puerto Rico?
The Sharks
Why was the dress worn in childhood? (3 answers)
communion, religion, following rules
The main part of a letter is called what?
What are "heaters"?
What leader should make you think of a shark?
Bernardo - he is the leader of the Sharks gang
Who believes in love over everything?
Why was the dress worn as a teenager? (3 answers)
pleasure, having fun, breaking rules
When you sign your name to your letter it is called?
What kind of bombs do the boys use on the grocery store?
stink bombs
Who should be carrying a police detective badge?
Detective Schrank
Who dies in the story? (3 acceptable answers)
Riff, Bernardo, Tony
Where was the dress supposed to be worn in the future?
At Tony and Maria's wedding
Using "Love" or "See ya" near the end of a letter is called what?
Who are the PRs in the story?
Puerto Ricans