Myths and Legends
TV Shows
Famous Speeches
Famous Logos
Board and Card Games

This mythical creature takes the form of a white horse with a single, spiraled horn. 

What is a unicorn? 


This classic children's show features such beloved characters as Big Bird, Ernie, and Oscar the Grouch. 

What is Sesame Street? 


The 1863 Gettysburg Address that freed the U.S. slaves was given by this former president. 

Who is Abraham Lincoln? 


The company this logo belongs to. 

What is Apple? 


This Westbrook family favorite involves the acquiring of assets and then covering them to protect them. 

What is Cover Your Assets? 


This Scottish monster has been given the nickname "Nessy" by those who reside by the body of water where it supposedly dwells. 

What is The Loch Ness Monster? 


This famous TV show takes place at The Dunder Mifflin paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. 

What is The Office? 


In 1933, FDR counseled that "The only thing we need to fear is ____  ____. 

What is "fear itself"? 


This restaurant logo depicts two Golden Arches in an "M" shape with a red background. 

What is McDonald's?


This famous board game involves moving around a board, buying up real estate, building hotels, and of course escaping jail with a "get out of jail free" card. 

What is Monopoly? 


This giant, ape-like creature supposedly dwells in the snowy Himalayas, and is sometimes referred to as a "yeti." 

What is The Abominable Snowman? 


This classic 80's and 90's show depicts the life of the Tanner family in this house in San Francisco. 

What is Full House? 


According to John F. Kennedy, we should "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ___________"

What is "Ask what you can do for your country"?


The company that uses this logo is also famous for using this three-word slogan with their products. 

What is Just Do It? 


This card game has a Spanish number for its name, and involves using all of your multi-colored cards until you have none left. 

What is Uno? 


According to this classic horror story, if you go into a dark room alone and say this woman's name three times into a mirror, she will appear in the mirror and attack you. 

Who is Bloody Mary? 


The main protagonists of this show are a "psychic detective" and his black sidekick who spend their days solving crimes in the city of Santa Barbara. 

What is Psych? 


Ronald Reagan was the President who famously requested in 1989 for Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down this barrier separating Eastern and Western Germany. 

What is the Berlin Wall? 


This beloved institution for boys (or at least it used to be) uses this logo. 

What is the Boy Scouts of America? 


In chess, this is the only direction a bishop can move. 

What is diagonal? 


In 1513, the conquistador Ponce De Leon came to the Americas in search of this legendary location that could supposedly grant eternal youth. 

What is the Fountain of Youth? 


These are the cast members of this popular comedy. 

What is The Big Bang Theory? 


In 1775, Patrick Henry famously stated his resolve to fight the British with the words "Give me liberty, or ____"

What is "or give me death"?


This famous jam company recently changed their logo to this. 

What is Smuckers? 


In poker, this is the highest play possible that cannot be beaten by anything. 

What is a Royal Flush? 
