Change in time requirement for exams
Speech-sound disorders or anxiety affecting orals
Modifications for oral presentations
Offers support for women with ADHD on campus
What is the ADHD in Women Club?
Addresses issues related to Disability, ableism that affect the educational experiences of Disabled students
What is the USC Accessibility Committee?
Sessions on Coping Well, Grief, Queer connections, Relationship basics, etc.
What is Group Care?
Difficulty with reading / Dyslexia accommodation.
What is text-to-speech / Reader?
What is Flexible Deadlines?
Support for Autistic students, and outreach in the local Autistic Community.
What is the Autism Awareness Club?
Jewish Queer group under the Wellness Portfolio
What is Rainbow - Keshet?
5 free sessions on-campus
What is a counsellor at Western Student Health Centre?
Difficulty with motor coordination, Dyspraxia, or pain during exams
What is voice-to-text / Dragon / Scribe?
Issues with taking notes
What is recording lectures / notetaker?
Therapist for Jewish students at Ontario Universities (which costs $100 per session).
What is Hillel Therapist (Yael Greenwood)?
PurpleCare provides 100% coverage up to a max of $1200 per year.
What is Mental Health Support?
Pain limiting ability to write exams in a row
Spacing between Exams
Issues with attendance / late attendance.
What is attendance flexibility / lateness flexibility due to medical condition?
Education and resources for Students with Learning Disabilities
What is the Learning Disabilities Awareness Club?
Wellness walks with a doggie & Colouring Cafe
What is Aiyana (Wellness Specialist at Hillel)
PurpleCare covers up to $40 per visit to a max of $500 per year
What is Paramedical Practitioners?
Change in environment for exams.
What are Private room, Semi-Private and Cubical spaces?
Issues with sustained focus, anxiety, or pain.
What is unscheduled rest-breaks?
Advocacy on campus for Disabled Students
What is the Western Inclusion and Disability Awareness Club?
Dedicated to representing Disabled Students at Western and advocacy.
What is the Student Accessibility Advisory Committee?
What is Student Case Manager?