Peloponnesian War
431-404 BC
Athens' political leader during the Golden Age
radical democracy
Athenian system of democracy established in the 460-50s BC; it extended direct political power and participation in the court system to all adult male citizens
define: patricians/plebians
Roman upper/noble class and lower/common class
the massive temple to Athena as a warrior goddess built atop the Athenian acropolis in the Golden Age of Greece
reign of Alex the Great
336-323 BC
three famous Greek philosophers in order of appearance:
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
central market of a Greek-city state, a popular gathering place for conversation
define: optimates/populares
p: Roman political faction supporting the common people, established during the late republic
philosophical ideas about the ultimate nature of reality beyond the reach of human senses
Roman Monarchy
753-509 BC
who was Alexander the Great?
4th century Macedonian king whose conquest of the Persian empire led to increased cultural interactions btwn Greece and the Near East AKA the Hellenistic Era
an adjective meaning 'Greek-like' that is today used as a chronological term for the period 323-30 BC
ladder of offices
series of Roman elective government from quaestor to aedile to praetor to consul
the philosophical idea that the human soul/mind and body are separate
Roman Republic
509-31/27 BC
competitive intellectuals/teachers in ancient Greece who offered expensive classes in persuasive speech and new ways of philosophic/religious thinking
an annual procedure in Athenian radical democracy by which a man could be voted out of the city-state for ten years; purpose was to prevent tyranny
members of the first triumvirate
Pompey, Crassus, Julius Caesar
Roman concept of piety/devotion - proper dedication to Rome, the gods, and one's family
Roman Empire
a foreigner granted permanent resident status in Athens in return for paying taxes and military service
Delian league
naval alliance led by Athens in the golden age that became the basis for the Athenian empire
members of the second triumvirate
Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus
mystery cults
religious worship that provided initiation into secret knowledge and divine protection, including hope for a better afterlife