The Three Estates/Estates General were...
French class system: first est.=clergy; second est.=nobility; third est.=commoners/peasants
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
French general' became first consul in 1799 and emperor in 1804; exiled after losing the battle of waterloo in 1815
Define: Socialism
social/political ideology that advocated for the reorganization of society to overcome the new tensions created by industrialization and restore social harmony through communities based on cooperation
Define Communists
socialists who, after 1840, advocated for the abolition of private property in favor of communal, collective ownership
Start of the French Revolution
Monarchs during the French Revolution
Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette
Define: Atlantic system
network of trade established in the 1700s that bound together w. Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europeans sold slaves from w. Africa, and bought commodities produced on new colonial plantations.
Define & give three features of Romanticism
artistic and literary movement of the late 18th-early 19th centuries; glorified nature, genius, emotion, and imagination
Authors of the Communist Manifesto:
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
American Revolution dates
Name three causes of the American Revolution
British Government corruption; Enlightenment ideals; no colonial representation in Parliament; debts from Seven Years War; new taxes (Stamp, Tea, etc); Boston Tea Party; formation of the Continental Congress
What was The Terror?
Policy est. under the Committee of Public Safety during the French Rev. Arrested dissidents and executed opponents to protect the Republic from enemies.
Define: Methodism
a religious movement founded by John Wesley that broke from the Anglican Church in GB and insisted on strict self-discipline and methodical approach to religious study/observance
Define: Bourgeois
the (middle) class of modern capitalists, owners of most wealth/means of production and employers of wage labor
Define: Abolitionists
advocates for the abolition of the slave trade and of slavery
Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
French revolutionary who was the architect of the republic of virtue and of The Terror; his arrest and execution brought an end to The Terror (1794)
What was the Bastille and why did it fall?
A French prison that became a symbol of royal authority/tyranny; fell after an uprising of citizens attacked it; first major violent conflict of the Revolution and symbol of the third estate's ability/willingness to resist oppression
Define: classical/historical Liberalism
economic/political ideology that emphasized free trade and the constitutional guarantees of individual rights such as freedom of speech and religion
Define: Proletariat
class of modern wage laborers having no means of production on their own
Define: Deists
those who believed in God but not that he takes an active role in human affairs; God designed the universe and set it in motion, but no longer intervened in the world
Define: Consumer Revolution
rapid increase in consumption of new staples produced in the Atlantic system; also of other items of daily life that were previously unavailable or beyond the reach of ordinary people
Name three negative & three positive effects of the Industrial Revolution
negative: poor working conditions; overcrowding in cities; child labor; cholera/diseases spreading quickly; pollution
positive: cheaper/easier access to good for normal ppl; improved living conditions; growth of middle class; new technology/inventions; more jobs available
Define: classical/historical conservatism
political doctrine that emerged after 1789 and rejected much of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution; preferred monarchies to republics, tradition to revolution, and established religion to Enlightenment skepticism
*Define: means & instruments of production*
the tools, machinery, factories, and raw materials needed for industrial production - owned by the bourgeois
Define: Laissez-Faire
economic doctrine developed by Adam Smith that advocated freeing the economy from government intervention and control