Famous People
This 20th Century concept is characterized as a militarized state controlled by one ruler called a dictator
What is Totalitarianism
This French chemist discovered the process of fermentation, and his name is on every milk carton across the world.
Who is Louis Pasteur
This king of Belgium is known as the most brutal colonial ruler who sanctioned inhumane violence towards the natives in the Belgium Congo, all for profit.
Who is King Leopold II
These are two of the three French writers who ushered in the movement known as Realism
Who is Zola, Flaubert, and Balzac
This Italian Romantic composer wrote emotionally thrilling masterpieces such as "The Thieving Magpie" and the "William Tell Overture."
Who is Gioachino Rossini
This philosophy, developed after the First World War, believes that existence is meaningless and the importance lies on the individual
What is Existentialism
During the campaign for the unification of Italy these two men were known as the Brain and the Muscles.
Who are Cavour and Garibaldi
This leader of France was related to a previous leader who pushed for the modernization of Paris, installing wide boulevards and open parks, and the rest of France.
Who is Louis Napoleon, or Napoleon III
This American architect is world famous for his modern designs, which function as art and a living space
Who is Frank Lloyd Wright
When I spoke about the artistic movement called "Realism" I showed the video for this song by Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five, which spoke about realistic issues in poverty stricken areas in New York City.
What is The Message
This idea, created by Jeremy Bentham, promotes using social policies for the greatest good for the greatest number
What is Utilitarianism
This French officer was framed for being a spy, and was publicly shunned and sent to Devil's Island. He was later absolved of his crimes.
Who is Alfred Dreyfus
This German Chancellor kept the balance of power in Europe, while building up the army into an efficient war machine.
Who is Otto Von Bismarck
This Dutch painter was a post-Impressionist who painted with many swirls where the paint would usually protrude the canvas. He also cut his ear off as a gift of affection for a prostitute
Who is Vincent Van Gogh
He is considered one of the greatest composers who went deaf in his lifetime.
Who is Ludwig von Beethoven
This two word concept, named after a great English scientist, calls for a biological outlook on the survival of the fittest
What is Social Darwinism
This German philosopher came up with the theory that life is meaningless, and once we reach the bottom we can achieve enlightenment
Who is Friedrich Nietzsche
He was the last Czar of Russia, whom was later deposed and shot along with his entire family by Lenin's forces
Who is Czar Nicholas II
These are two writers discussed in class who wrote in the aftermath of World War I.
Who are Woolf, Faulkner, Joyce, T.S. Elliot and Franz Kafka
This composer, and grandson of a famous Jew, is well known for his music and especially during the wedding procession
Who is Felix Mendelssohn
This Movement, championed by Theodor Herzl, called for a Jewish homeland after centuries of oppression and violence
What is Zionism
This Russian mystical man was a close confident of the czarina, who died by being poisoned, stabbed, shot, and later thrown into a cold river
Who is Rasputin
He was Lenin's right hand man who led the Red Army to victory in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War. He was later assassinated in Mexico on Stalin's orders
Who is Leon Trotsky
He was the most prominent of the Impressionist painters who painted impressions of scenes with lavish colors.
Who is Claude Monet
This Russian composer wrote "The Rite of Spring" and considered one of the most important modern composers.
Who is Igor Stravinsky