31. The provision concerning the establishment of order in Europe after World War II.
Yalta Agreement
14. A king or queen with unrestrained power
absolute monarchy
22. Nation's wealth and power based in the accumulation of gold and silver
11. how one country influences another without threat of force
Soft power
16. Russian title for emperor
33. political independence process of nations formerly ruled by European imperial powers
26. people form a government to protect the rights of the people (Locke)
social contract
27. reduction of socio-economic inequality through government ownership/regulation of the economy
13. The right to rule is derived from God
Divine Right
24. all property publicly owned, social classes are no more, and everyone gets their basic needs
34. Year long effort to re-supply German city after a Soviet blockade.
Berlin Airlift
17. King or Queen limited in power by a written or unwritten agreement
constitutional monarchy
29. Economy functions best without government interference
laissez faire
20. belief that the good of the nation is paramount
40.Russian word for "economic restructuring"
37. The Cold War military alliance dominated by the USSR
Warsaw Pact
the right to vote
50. A tax on imports to reduce competition against domestic products
45. Meeting of the four victorious nations of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 to counter liberalism and restore order
Congress of Vienna
41. Russian word for openness or publicity and resulted in the reduction of media restrictions
39. Polish social movement and trade union that challenged Communist rule
44. treaty by 35 countries to promote human rights
Helsinki Accords
21. System of ideas based in economics or political theory
43. The alliance of European monarchies after 1815
Concert of Europe
42. Peaceful reestablishment of democracy in Czechoslovakia in 1989
Velvet Revolution