This is the color of the curtain on the stage in the cafeteria
This teacher plans the most parties in the school.
Ms. Dieckmann
This event is a student favorite! It allows you to preview items before you purchase them.
The Book Fair
A publisher bet him that he couldn’t write a book using 50 or fewer words; the result was Green Eggs and Ham
Dr. Seuss
This is the name of the first sentence in a paragraph or essay.
Topic sentence
This is the place to see the largest mascot in our school.
The wolf wall.
These two teachers host the Girls on the Run.
Ms. Gardner
Ms. Graham
This event features thrills and prizes! Students and teachers enjoy this event that is full of cake and coke!
The Spring Fling
This book features the wizarding world of magic.
Harry Potter
This is the power to move or do work and is never created nor destroyed.
This is the number of chairs in the waiting area of the office.
This teacher is a Dodgers fan.
Ms. Kleinrock
In this event, the hardest working TCAP test-takers may or may not get the leaders of our Wolf Pack very, very wet if they have good aim.
TCAP Dunk Tank or Dunk Tank
This book tells the tale of two brothers who are sent to space through a board game.
What is 2 ¼ + ¾ ?
3 or 2 4/4
This is the number of swings on the playground
This teacher used to be a professional singer.
Ms. Lemon
This event raises money for heart disease.
Jump Rope for Heart or Heart Challenge
"I think I can" is a lesson and a quote from this book.
The Little Engine That Could
This man warned the colonists that the British were coming by riding around on his horse at midnight and yelling, “The regulars are coming!”
Paul Revere
This is the total number of classrooms on the lower Kindergarten hallway.
This teacher has the largest closet in the school.
Ms. Hall
This fall event encourages health while also having fun!
The Wolf Run
If you give a child this Laura Numeroff book, he’s liable to ask for another.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
These 2 things should be at the beginning and end of every sentence.
Capital letter and punctuation