Students arriving after this time in the morning will report to the office and receive a late pass
What is 9:15 AM?
Two reasons why Westowne has a strict no-toy policy
What is Equity & Inclusion, Safety Concerns, and/or Encouraging Social Interaction?
Teachers who receive notes or emails regarding early dismissal or a change in transportation must do this
What is email the office or send the note to the office?
Objectives should be posted for every ELA, math, and content lesson in this format
What is "WHY / WHAT / HOW"?
This parent newsletter will be created electronically and sent on the first Thursday of the month
What is Words to the Wise?
Absences/tardiness should be recorded each morning in FOCUS by this time
What is 10:00 AM?
The emergency defibrillator is mounted here
What is outside the Main Office?
Whole class bathroom breaks must be scheduled for these times
What is once between arrival and lunch, and once between lunch and dismissal?
Please come prepared to pre-observation conferences with this prepared
What is the Westowne Lesson Planning Template?
Please check and empty your teacher's mailbox (in the front office) this many times per day
What is at least twice per day?
When a student has been absent for unknown reasons for this amount of days, it is the teacher’s responsibility to contact the family for information
What is two consecutive days?
A copy of the building map should be posted with the exit route highlighted in this part of the classroom
What is the classroom exit door?
The first students (car riders and YMCA) are dismissed at this time
What is 3:50?
Use this to determine the IEP document due date based on the team day for your student(s)
What is the Team Notebook?
Please reserve this day for the afternoon faculty meetings, held three times per month
What is Monday?
Teachers are not to keep money in the room overnight. Money collected must be turned in daily to Megan by this time
What is 2:00 PM?
If students need to see the nurse while on lunch break, teachers should communicate with the main office, during this time
What is 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM?
If a student from a classroom misses the bus, this person will be responsible for first contact with parents and supervision until the student is picked up
Who is the classroom teacher?
All lunch food must be consumed here
What is the cafeteria?
Use this in the memo section of your email to identify the student
What is their initials?
On the morning of your field trip, see the nurse to get these two things
What is a first aid kit, and any medication needed?
The number one reason for injuries on the playground
What is lack of supervision?
As early in the school year as possible, please fill out this document for your class
What is the “How Do I Go Home?” document?
These two items should be with you at all times
What is the emergency bag and walkie-talkie?
In this calendar, you can find staff meetings, action team meetings, school closures, scheduled drills, and other important events
What is the Westowne Shared Outlook Calendar?