Industrial Revolution

What was Westward Expansion in the 1800s?

The era of expansion, where the US was motivated to expand their boundaries and influence towards the Pacific Ocean. They gained new land from France and Mexico that helped fuel this effort


What is the purpose of using SOAPPS and observation/inference charts?

To help us understand primary sources and how to interpret them. SOAPPS helps us identify why the source was created, what it aimed to do, and how the speaker's bias and background influenced the creation of the source


What was the Second Industrial Revolution?

The era of extreme industrialization in the US from the 1850s to 1900s


What are the 3 Gs?

God, gold, and glory


How did people disagree on the issue of slavery as the US began expanding?

Abolitionists and Free Soilers did not want slavery to expand to new states, pro-slavery groups wanted to preserve the institution of slavery


What is bias?

A person's personal inclinations or prejudices towards a certain opinion or perspective


What does each letter of SOAPPS stand for?

S: Subject

O: Occasion

A: Audience

P: Purpose

P: Perspective

S: Speaker


Why was the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad significant?

It allowed for much cheaper and more efficient transportation of goods, products, people, knowledge, and more. It connected the nation


Name 2 common reasons or motivations to expand Westwards?

The idea of Manifest Destiny, gold, job opportunities, new resources, abundant land and Homestead Act, overpopulation in the East, glory and power associated with gaining land, agricultural, allure of the 'Wild West', benefits of the railroad, etc.


How did slavery begin expanding Westwards? What divisions do we begin to see?

States are added as either free or slave, and they wanted to maintain a balance. Divisions along the Northern, Southern, and Western states


Define 'Manifest Destiny'

The moral and sometimes religious justification for US expansion Westwards. The idea that it was the US's responsibility or even destiny to bring technology and US power to Western land


Define the second P and S in SOAPPS

Perspective is the point of view or opinions that the speaker has. It's how their personal opinions and experiences affect the way they produced the source

Speaker is who is producing the source. What's their gender, age, are they an immigrant, white, etc. How does their background impact the way they produce the source?


Name one invention that came out of the Second Industrial Revolution and why it was significant

Any invention as long as it was produced in this time period and they can explain why it's important


How did the idea of Manifest Destiny motivate expansion?

It helped people feel morally and religiously justified in expanding. Other factors like resources and job opportunities may have been stronger motivators, but Manifest Destiny encouraged unified expansion


Why were the 5 'civilized' tribes called that?

They were the 5 tribes in the Southeast who adopted many aspects of 'white culture' like Christianity, English, dress, etc.


What was the Indian Removal Act? What did it do?

The law signed into effect by President Andrew Jackson that allowed for the forcible removal of Native Americans from their land


What do you do if you don't have enough information on a source to answer some parts of SOAPPS?

Make inferences based on what you do know!


How did the Central Pacific build railroad track through the Sierra Nevadas and Rocky Mountains?

They used dynamite to blow up small portions of the mountain at a time, and cleared them to create passages


How did immigrants from China get involved in US expansion?

They participated in the Gold Rush in California, and later the completion of the railroad


How did Andrew Jackson justify the Indian Removal Act?

He believed that industrialization was superior than natural landscapes and that Native Americans would come to agree that this was beneficial to everyone


Define 'popular sovereignty'

The idea that new Western states would be added as either free or slave states according to the will of people residing in that state


Give the occasion for this image

After Civil War, after Trail of Tears and Indian Removal Act, the US has expanded to the Pacific Coast, middle of Industrial Revolution. This picture is documenting the Golden Spike Ceremony and preserves a posed picture of the representative people involved


Why was the wealth of industrial giants like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie important?

They held bigger portions or percentages of the nation's wealth as opposed to the 1% today

What are push and pull factors?

A push factor is something that encourages people to leave a place, a pull factor is something that encourages them to go to a place


Which state were most Native Americans on the Trail of Tears relocated to?

