Juan: which direction did migrants move to?
Zoe: what were the 49 gold seekers named after?
Leilani: what did Santa Anna lose to the Americans?
His Leg
Emily: who was the guy who wrote the star sangled banner?
Franci Scott Keys
John Carlos: Which President inspired people to go find gold in CA
James K. Polk
Tiny: what was one of the reasons Americans moved west
escape poverty, cities, religious freedom, getting rich
Parsons: name 3 states in the Southwest
Arizona, New Mexico, CA, NV, Utah, Tx
Jahsiah: what was one fo the rules Mexico had for whites moving ot Texas?
learn Spanish, no slaves, convert Catholicism, become citizen
Great Britain
Pedro: who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence
Judah: what injuriy was the most common on the Oregon Trail?
Foot/ankle injuries
Joshua: what was the first stop for Gold Rushers to CA?
San Francisoc
Ava: what plant inspired people to migrate further west
join the navy
Name of Meixco's Presdient in the Mexican American war
Santa Anna
Kevin: how many miles a day would migrants walk on the oregon Trail
15-30 Miles
Kai: What was D. Trump's grandfather's name? how did he get rich?
Frederick - hotels
Moli: why did Mexico offer free land to American settlers
fight the Comanche
Sophia: what was the name given to American that wanted war with Britain?
Miguel: name three major rivers in America
Mississippi, Rio Grande, Colorado, Snake, Missouri River.
Donner Party
Trsitian: what went wrong for Mexico in the war?
Lost supplies, chased too far north
Zavier: name fo the football player who protest the Star Spangled Banner
Colin kaepernick