What route did people travel to move west?
The Oregon Trail
What was the line splitting the Oregon territory called?
The 49th parrellel
What are examples of "boom towns" that were in California?
Los Angeles, and San Fransisco
Who was the Mormon leader that was killed in Illinois?
Joseph Smith
What was the name of the slave on the Lewis and Clark expedition?
List 2 dangers the pioneers faced on their journey.
polluted water
Wild Animals
What did Lewis and Clark go on an expedition for?
To map out the land that was purchased, and to discover the plants and wildlife in the western side of the US.
What is an example of a "ghost town" near Kane, PA?
East Forrest, Hazel Hurst, James City, etc.
Who was the Mormon leader that successfully guided the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake?
Brigham Young
Who owned the sawmill near the river where gold was first discovered?
John Sutter
What term is used to talk about adding the territories of Texas and Oregon to the US?
Annexing territories
What did trail went from Illinois, along the Oregon trail, and eventually stopped at the Great Salt Lake?
What did the Oregon Land Donation act give to people who made it to Oregon?
A man could claim 300 acres, and a wife could claim an additional 300 acres.
Who (president) purchased the Louisiana Purchase?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the president that was elected in 1844 on his "expansionist platform"?
James K. Polk
How much money did President Jefferson pay for the Louisiana Purchase?
15 million dollars
What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo do?
Effectively ended the Mexican American war, where the US gained 20% more land like California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado, and Wyoming.
"Economic Growth" was a positive about westward expansion. Besides gold and timber, what else did people do to help build the economy? (Class discussion)
Opened restaurants, bars, outposts, and others for people to spend their money.
Who was the newspaper writer that wrote about manifest destiny?
John O'Sullivan
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
What trail went form Independence, MI and went to Santa Fe, NM? This trail was primarily a trade route.
Santa Fe Trail
Who owned the Louisiana Purchase before it was purchased by the US?
Napoleon, of France
Manifest destiny was a god given duty to endure hardship, by believing they were fulfilling a higher purpose by spreading Christianity.
Who was the leader of the group that took hastings cutoff, broke down, and ended up turning into cannibals to survive?
George Donner of the Donner party
Who was the mountain man that we focused on during Manifest Destiny?
Jim Bridger