Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
UGA, Capitals, and Technological Developments
GA Land Policies and Creek Removal
Cherokee Removal

This event was the final removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia in 1838. Over 4,000 Native American men, women, and children were killed on this forced march from Georgia to the Oklahoma Indian territory. 

Trail of Tears 

A Creek Indian civil war between the red stick and white stick factions. 

Red Stick War


This acronym lists the 5 Georgia capitals in order. Tell me the acronym and the capitals in order from first to last (current capital). 

SALMA: Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, Atlanta

Under this land policy Revolutionary War soldiers received thousand of acres of land.  21 year old White males (head of household) were able to receive up to 200 acres of land for free. There was not enough land for all the people that applied.

Headright System 


A highly valued natural resource was found during this event that caused more White Georgians to encroach on Cherokee land.     

Dahlonega Gold Rush


American Indian tribe that lived in southern Georgia. 

Creek Indian


American Indian tribe that lived in northwestern Georgia. 

Cherokee Indian


This invention made it easier to produce cotton by removing cotton fibers from its seeds.

Cotton Gin

This land policy allowed average Georgians (white males and white widows) to purchase tickets to enter a raffle giving away land. This method was a way to help farmers and middle-class Georgians get land in Georgia. 

Land Lottery 


On this march Cherokee Indians died from starvation, disease, and exhaustion from the 800 plus mile journey to Oklahoma. 

Trail of Tears


This was the supreme court case that declared that the Cherokee were a sovereign (independent) nation and not subject to the laws of the United States. 

Worcester vs Georgia


Site of America's first goldrush in 1828

Dahlonega Gold Rush


This invention was one of the biggest technological advancements of the 1800's. It helped speed up the transportation of people and goods. 



Why did the headright system and land lotteries land policies fail? 

There was not enough land to give out. 


Which past president of the United States does Ms. Cannon strongly dislike?

Andrew Jackson


Act signed into law by Andrew Jackson that required the removal of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Indians to the Indian Territory. 

Indian Removal Act of 1830


Seventh President of the United States who was an advocate (supporter) of Indian Removal. 

Andrew Jackson


Why was the University of Georgia created?

It was the first public university in the United States. It was created for all people, not just the wealthy, to have access to free public education. 


How did William McIntosh assist the government in removing the Creek Indians from Georgia?

He signed a treaty (Treaty of Indian Springs) that gave up all remaining Creek land to the white Georgians. He betrayed his Creek people and was executed by the tribe for it.


How did Chief Justice John Marshall try to help the Cherokee Nation not be removed?

He ruled in the Worcester v. Georgia case and declared the Cherokee were an independent nation. 


Principal Chief of the Cherokee Indians who tried to use legal means to fight against removal. 

John Ross


Creek Chief who illegally signed the Second Treaty of Indian Springs that gave all remaining Creek land in Georgia to the government.

William McIntosh


Why did the capitals of Georgia move westward?

To be in a more central location and to follow the state population. 


Event where 4 land companies bribed members of the GA assembly to sell them land for very cheap. Georgia citizens were upset and called it fraud. This act promised land to wealthy individuals.  

Yazoo Land Fraud/Act


Which column would be Pro-Indian Removal and which column would be Anti-Indian Removal?

A = Pro-Indian Removal

B = Anti-Indian Removal
