War of 1812
Louisiana Purchase
Exploring the Land
Inventions and Native Americans
Abolitionists and Suffragists
The two countries who were fighting against each other in the War of 1812.
What is America and England?
He was the president during the Louisiana Purchase.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Texas became a part of the United States after a war with Mexico. During this important battle, over 200 Americans were killed. This is called the Battle of the _____________.
What is Alamo?
This invention helped improve communication across the world.
What is the telegraph?
Suffrage means this.
What is the right to vote?
This is the term for when the British forced American sailors off ships to work in the British navy.
What is impressment?
The United States bought the land in the Louisiana Territory from this country.
What is France?
During the war with Mexico, Texas fought for its independence. After an important battle where 200 Americans were killed, they cried these famous words.
What is "Remember the Alamo!"
This invention/improvement in transportation allowed goods to travel faster on rivers.
What is the steamboat?
Abolitionists wanted to end ________________.
What is slavery?
These are the two buildings burned down by the British in the War of 1812.
What is the White House and the Capitol?
These two men were sent by the president to explore the new lands of the Louisiana Territory.
Who were Lewis and Clark?
Many pioneers moved west along this trail. Times were hard on this trail dealing with sickness, unpredictable weather and scarce food and supplies.
What is the Oregon Trail?
This Act moved Native Americans off their land.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
This abolitionist was a conductor on the Underground Railroad and helped over 300 slaves to freedom.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
This is what Dolly Madison took out of the White House before it burned down.
What is the portrait of George Washington?
These were two things the president wanted the Corps of Discovery to find out on their expedition.
What are landforms, plants, animals, and the culture of the Native Americans? Any two answers given
These are what sprang up in California because of the Gold Rush.
What are mining towns or boomtowns?
When Native Americans were sent off their land and moved to the Oklahoma Territory, there was much suffering, disease, and even death. That is why this journey is called the _____________.
What is the Trail of Tears?
This suffragist spoke at the Seneca Falls Convention and brought attention to the subject of women's rights.
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
He was the president during the War of 1812? Hint: his wife took something important out of the White House before it burned down.
Who is James Madison?
This Native American woman helped the Corps of Discovery explore the new land of the Louisiana Purchase.
Who was Sacagawea?
This is the reason many pioneers and settlers flocked to California in the late 1840s.
What is the California Gold Rush (or gold was found there)?
This invention allowed goods and people to travel faster across the entire continent.
What is the steam locomotive?
This abolitionist and suffragist was a strong woman who was a former slave. She gave a speech in response to men saying that women were too delicate and fragile to be created equal. A famous line from this speech was, "Ain't I a Woman?"
Who was Sojourner Truth?