
Mr. Murphy, a wide grin on his round face, hurried over and put his arm around Evan's shoulders. "Fine job, Evan! Fine job!" he exclaimed.

Mr. Murphy was _____ .

a. Pleased

b. Upset

c. Tired

d. Hungry

a. Pleased

The driver sees people in the street. She slows down.

She wants to be _____ .

a. Strong

b. Safe

c. Tall

d. Rich

b. Safe

Jax has school. Then he goes to the doctor. After that, he has music lessons.

Jax is _____ .

a. Busy

b. Asleep

c. Short

d. Kind

a. Busy

We go to the shop. We find boxes. They hold cherries. They also hold oranges. Yum! They look tasty.

We _____ the food.

a. Make

b. Plant

c. Hide

d. Want

d. Want

Some leafcutter ants are scouts. They tell the other leafcutter ants where to find the nice leaves. The leafcutter ants start walking up the tree. Up they go toward the juicy leaves. The ants with big jaws do the cutting. The largest ants are the guards. They protect the other ants.

Each ant has a _____ .

a. Plant

b. Smell

c. Friend

d. Job

d. Job

Jaz has a secret. She wants to tell a friend. She gets close. She cups her hands to her mouth. Quietly, she tells the news.

She _____ .

a. Waves

b. Skips

c. Whispers

d. Stands

c. Whispers

The paint was blue. It came off my face with a little soap. My shirt and jacket were more of a problem. They were ruined, and I didn't have time to go home and put on something else.

My clothes were _____ .

a. Dirty

b. Small

c. New

d. Torn

a. Dirty

At dinner there were candles on the table. And lots of good food. Rachel had two helpings of dressing and gravy. And two pieces of pumpkin pie.

There was a lot to _____ .

a. Fix

b. Eat

c. Love

d. Clean

b. Eat

Once every few years, it rains a lot in the desert. It rains enough to make seeds in the ground grow quickly. All of a sudden, flowers bloom. But the flowers won't last for long. They only last about two weeks.

The flowers grow _____ .

a. Later

b. Fast

c. Straight

d. Wide

b. Fast 

Lily helped me stand up. My T-shirt and jeans were covered with dirt and grass. I brushed them off.

I had _____ .

a. Fallen

b. Smiled

c. Grown

d. Finished

a. Fallen

"I think I see a bear now!" Benny cried, looking through his grandfather's field glasses. "No, it's just an old log."

Benny was _____ .

a. Happy

b. Forgotten

c. Mistaken

d. Lost 

c. Mistaken 

Things were going great. No, even better than great. I never imagined how easy being a salesman was going to be. I mean, Mr. O'Hara bought a box just like that. I figured that at the rate Max and I were going, we'd be rolling in dough by the end of the month.

I was _____ .

a. Safe

b. Pleased

c. Rude

d. Shy

b. Pleased

Grandma Vero came into the room and said, "What is all this yelling about?"  "Peter jumped out of the closet and scared me!" Kristina said, pointing at her little brother. "And he didn't hang up his coat or backpack, either." Peter made a face at her. "Tattletale!"  "Peter, say you are sorry for scaring your sister," Grandma Vero said.

Kristina and Peter were _____ .

a. Fighting

b. Waiting

c. Resting

d. Climbing

a. Fighting

Christopher Columbus sailed three ships across the sea. He wanted to see new places. His ships landed on an island. He saw things he never had seen before.

He got his _____ .

a. Message

b. Wish

c. Swing

d. Painting

b. Wish

: The splash startles Mason. Did someone throw a stone into the pond? Then he sees a green blur out of the corner of his eye. It can't be a stone. It jumps from the tree into the water—splash! What can it be?

Mason is _____ .

a. Running

b. Confused

c. Laughing

d. Injured

b. Confused

He stood up and invited them to sit. "I didn't know what foods you liked, so I took the liberty of ordering one of everything on the menu. Please take your choice."

He wanted them to be _____ .

a. Safe

b. Satisfied

c. Mad

d. Careful

b. Satisfied

The Arctic is a cold place! It is full of snow and ice. The baby animals there must keep warm! A seal pup has fuzzy fur. Fur keeps a seal pup warm. Mom's milk will make the pup fat. Fat keeps a pup warm.

The fat and fur make the animals more _____ .

a. Gentle

b. Comfortable

c. Selfish

d. Unusual

d. Comfortable

"Please hurry," whispered Snail. But Franklin needed no urging. He moved surely and steadily. He hurried past the blackberries. He hurried past the gooseberries. He even hurried past the raspberries. And he was almost at Bear's front gate when he remembered something important.

Franklin traveled _____ .

a. Calmly

b. Quickly

c. Slowly

d. Unsurely 

b. Quickly 

A little girl named Grace Bedell lived in Westfield. She had written a letter to Lincoln before the election. She said she thought he would look much nicer if he grew a beard. And that is just what Lincoln did.

Abe took her _____ .

a. Pen

b. Doll

c. Gift

d. Advice

d. Advice 

Ricky's dad looked at the map for a few more minutes. Then he said, "The artist put his name on this drawing. I've heard his name before. I wish I could remember what I heard about him. Maybe I will later."

He _____ the artist's name.

a. Spelled

b. Disliked

c. Knew

d. Wrote

c. Knew

Cameron nervously walked up to the mike. The gym was full. Some of the teachers had to stand along the walls. Cameron looked back at his dad. He smiled at Cameron and nodded his head. Nicky and Oscar gave him the thumbs-up. Suddenly, Cameron didn't feel nervous anymore.

He felt _____ .

a. Better

b. Warm

c. Unsafe

d. Sick

a. Better

Galveston is an important port. It lies on a small island in the Gulf. Old warehouses, commercial buildings, and homes there have been restored. A trolley called the Galveston Flyer runs through town. Several fishing piers reach out into the Gulf. 

Galveston is near...

a. Mountains

b. Water

c. Forests

d. Deserts

b. Water

After a few days the rain began to fall. And such a rain! Great sheets of water poured down from the clouds. Soon the tiny streams were raging, and the rivers were overflowing their banks. People left their homes and rushed to the hills for safety. Animals ran pell-mell, trying to find refuge and shelter. Still it rained. Higher and higher the waters rose.

It was a terrible _____ .

a. Accident

b. Flood

c. Tornado

d. Fire

b. Flood

In some places, tornadoes have become a way of life. Huntsville, Alabama, is one such city. Powerful twisters swept through the town in 1974, 1989, and 1995. Winds as fast as 300 miles per hour ripped up roads. Families found shelter as best they could. One family hid in a bathroom. Their house was wrecked, but they were safe.

In Huntsville, tornadoes are _____ .

a. Unusual

b. Long

c. Common

d. Welcome

c. Common

As Ben pushed his cart in front of him, he thought of his job. Tomorrow would be the end of his first week as a maid. He had to admit, when he'd accepted the job he'd thought it would be easy. But it wasn't.

He was _____ .

a. Frightened

b. Surprised

c. Glad

d. Surprised

d. Surprised