Lancaster Ave
W. 2nd St.
Runs North & South
Atkins Ave.
What Streets Border/Make up:
W. 2nd St.
W. 3rd St.
N. DuPont St.
N. Clayton St.
200 S. DuPont St.
Bayard School
S. DuPont St.
S. Clayton St.
Chestnut St.
Maple St.
What are the Blind Intersections on Union St. & Green Hill Ave. in 6's local.
Union St. - Conrad St.
Greenhill Ave. - 7th St.
What Streets divide the City North, South, East, & West?
Lancaster, MLK Jr. Blvd, E. Front St. divide the City North & South
Market St. divides the City East & West.
W. 7th St.
W. 8th St.
Runs North
Douglas St.
What Streets Border/Make up:
W. 4th St.
W. 6th St.
Ferris St.
100 N. DuPont Rd.
Cab Calloway School of the Arts/Charter School of Wilmington
N. DuPont Rd.
Lancaster Ave.
What are the Blind Intersections on Broom St. in 6's local.
Elm St.
Lancaster Ave.
Daily Double: List the 100 blocks and the streets that start them along Lancaster Ave. from Jackson St. to N. DuPont Rd.
& on Broom St. from Maryland Ave to W. 9th St.
What sides of the streets are odd numbered and what sides of the streets are even numbered?
North & West sides of the street are Odd
South & Ease sides of the street are Even.
W. 9th St.
Runs North & South
Rose St.
What Streets Border/Make up:
S. Union St.
S. Lincoln St.
Oak St.
S. Clayton St.
Banning St.
1715 W. 9th St.
St. Anthonys Grade School
W. 9th St.
W. 10th St.
N. Scott St.
What are the Blind Intersections on Lincoln St. in 6's local.
Chestnut St.
Conrad St.
Where are the four places to get fuel for the Apparatus
Fire Station #1
Fire Station #3
Fire Station #7
Motor Vehicle Shop
W. 5th St.
W. 6th St.
Fordham Rd.
Runs North & South
Grove Rd.
Daily Double: There are 53 short streets in 6's local. Name as many as you can.
What Streets Border/Make up:
S. Broom St.
S. Franklin St.
Maple St.
Connell St.
1500 Cedar St.
St. Elizabeth School
Cedar St.
Banning St.
S. Clayton St.
S. Rodney St.
What are the Blind Intersections on 4th St. in 6's local.
Webb St.
Ferris St.
Delamore Pl.
What are the Day of week or day of the month time sensitive items that must be addressed with or on the apparatus?
Wednesday Apparatus Check - F-38
1st business day of every month CGI meter Calibration
15th of every month MSA batteries changed
Tuesdays - Charge all battery-operated equipment
N. Lincoln St.
N. Scott St.
Runs East
Williamson St.
What Streets Border/Make up:
N. Broom St.
N. Franklin St.
W. 7th St.
W. 8th St.
1800 Prospect Rd.
Joseph H. Douglass School
Prospect Rd.
What are the Blind Intersections on Lancaster Ave. in 6's local.
Atkins Ave.
Gray Ave.
Webb St.
Ruth St.
Delamore PL.
Broom St.
What is the Drivers Daily Housework Assignment
Sweep Engine Bay, Weight Room & Second Floor
Empty Trash in Engine Bay, Weight Room & Second Floor
Pick up Trash from around the outside of the building put away Trash & Recyling cans if needed
Ensure apparatus & equipment are cleaned & in good working order.