Client and Family Centred Care
The transition of 12 former Regional Health Authorities to a single provincial health authority took place on what date?
December 4th, 2017
Finish the lyrics to this rap song:
"He's nervous but on the surface he looks _________"
Calm and ready
What doll, created in 1959, was named after the inventor's daughter?
What is the subject line of the email that is sent weekly from Tammy?
Wellness Wednesday
Physician Advisory Committee
What is the SHA’s Vision?
Healthy People, Healthy Saskatchewan
In 1983, this dance-themed movie won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.
What toy, first introduced at the Nuremberg Toy Show in 1979, sold over 100 million units by 1982?
Rubik's Cube
CHMS (Canadian Health Measures Survey) data showed that roughly a third of Canadian men and women achieved the well-known pedometer target daily. What is the targeted number of steps per day?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
When did construction begin on the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital?
September 25, 2014
Eilleen Regina Edwards is the given name of this country pop star.
Shania Twain
What game is generally considered to have ushered in the video game era?
This actress released the first workout video, who is also one of the leads of Netflix’s series Frankie and Grace. Who is she? Bonus points – How old is she?
Jane Fonda - 81
Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma In Youth
What is the percentage of Hand Hygiene Compliance for former Saskatoon Health Region?
Sometimes referred to as the “Bonus Jonas”, this Jonas Brother is the youngest of his siblings.
Frankie Jonas
What toy is created by mixing silicone oil and boric acid?
Silly Putty
In yoga, what is the Bhujangasana pose also referred to as?
Plan Do Check Action
The Saskatchewan Health Authority Board consists of how many members?
In the cover for the 1969 album Abbey Road, which Beatle crosses the street first?
John Lennon
Which two letters will each earn you 10 points when played in Scrabble?
Q and Z
What nut has more antioxidants than a pomegranate or blueberry?