
According to this historic civilization from the Middle Ages to the end of World War I, these individuals are related because they are "people of the Book."

Who are the Jews, Muslims, and Christians?


This governmental system was similar in not only Western Europe but also Eastern Europe, Japan, and Russia in the sense that the monarchs were on the of the social pyramid while those who fought were in the middle whilst those who worked the land were at the very bottom of the Pyramid.

What was feudalism?


During the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution, this inventor of the telescope died under house arrest.

Who was Sir Galileo Galilei?


During the 20th Century, the main causes of this war were militarism; alliances, imperialism and nationalism.

What was World War I?


This one goal of alliances, a main cause of World War I and II that involved formal regions coming together for common purposes.

What was to protect national territories?


This era during the Early Renaissance actually had its beginnings during the Early Middle Ages due to the rise and spread of Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia and the Crusades, a war that took place during the High Middle Ages, in order to free Jerusalem from Muslim control throughout history at large.

What was the Age of Exploration?


During the Age of Exploration and the Columbian Exchange, this ancient civilization in Sub-Saharan Africa destroyed the Mali Empire and fell to Morocco in Northern Africa.

What was the Songhai Empire in the 1500s?


During this nationalistic effect of the Enlightenment, the colonists from the USA wanted independence from the absolute monarchy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

What was the American Revolution?


This dictator who rose to power due to bigotry and resentment killed millions of Jews, elderly, women, children, Poles, Slavs, Russians, those who were sick, hurt, and other members who had been oppressed by society at large during the Holocaust.

Who was Dictator Adolf Hitler?


The goal of this country during the Cold War was to contain, or stop the spread of Communism.

What was the United States of America?


Paintings, poetry, plays, inventions,  and other forms of art were contributions of this cultural rebirth of human potential.

What was the Renaissance?


During this result of the Columbian Exchange, the Kingdom of Dahomey became rich as a result of trading slaves with the Dutch and Portuguese especially.

What was the Transatlantic Slave Trade?


This bloody battle during the 18th Century was a deadly conflict between of the lower and middle class against absolutist rulers and supporting nobility.

What was the French Revolution?


During the Holocaust, this war was caused by the First World War and the rise of dictatorships.

What was World War II?


The goal of this nation that no longer exists was to establish independence from Austria-Hungary before and during World War I.

What was Serbia?


In 1543, Sir Nicolaus Copernicus began this and argued that the Sun was the solar system plus other planets revolved around this closest Star.

What was the Scientific Revolution?


These wars for independence were inspired by the Enlightenment throughout the Industrial Revolution.

What were the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions?


At the end of this deadly human system in 1804, those in Haiti won their independence from France.

What was the Haitian Revolution?


The early characteristics of this war included the Red Scare and the Korean War.

What was the Cold War?


The goal of this example of cultural nationalism into unite all peoples, such as to unite all Americans or all individuals from Afro-Eurasia or Australia.

What is Panism?


During these two eras during the Renaissance and the Age of Revolution, these three colonizers were struggling for dominant power in Continental Europe. 

What were England, France and Spain?


The effects of this nonviolent series of gradual changes included but were not limited to huge increases in productivity, growth of complex government by technical experts, the rise of socialism, and the emancipation of women.

What was the Industrial Revolution?


During the Industrial Revolution, the unification of these two nations were an event leading up to World War I in the early 20th Century.

What was the Unification of Germany and Italy?


The conflict of this deadly human system during the late 20th Century was actually a part of a larger conflict from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a market socialist economy that no longer exists.

What was the Bosnian Genocide that lasted from 1992 to 1995?


The goal of this was to relieve suffering caused from the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression, which involved loss of resources.

What was the New Deal?
