WH Word used to ask for a thing, an object.
Translation for
"When class starts?"
Quando a aula começa?
Answer the question:
"Where do you have Physical Education"
I have Physical Education in the gym
Make a sentence using "What"
What is your name?
English for "Who"
WH Word used to ask for a person.
Translation for
"Where is the teacher?"
Onde está o professor?
Answer the question:
"What is your favorite place in the school?"
My favourite place is the playground
Make a sentence using "Where"
Where is our classroom?
English for:
"Onde é a nossa sala de aula?"
Where is our classroom?
WH Word used to ask for a place.
Translation for:
"What is you favourite place in school?"
Qual seu ligar favorito na escola?
Answer the question:
"Who is your Science teacher?"
My science teacher is Teacher Carol
Make a sentence using "Why"
Why do you like dogs?
English for:
"Quem vai jogar futebol?"
Who is going to play football?
WH Word used to ask for someone's name.
Translation for:
"Why are we going to the computer room?"
Porque estamos indo para a sala de informática?
Answer the question:
"What time do you wake up?"
I wake up at 8 a. m.
Make a question for this answer:
"I think my favourite colour is blue."
What is your favourite colour?"
English for:
"Onde você mora?"
Where do you live?
WH Word used to ask a person their age.
Translation for:
"How do I spell this word?"
Como eu soletro essa palavra?
Answer the question:
"Who lives in your house?"
In my house lives me and my parents.
Make a question for this answer:
"We have Math class on Tuesday and Wednesday."
When is our math class?