The Late Republic
Fall of the Republic
A Whole New World
Mental Maps Part 1

A unit between 3,000-6,000 men in the Roman army.

What is a legion?


This group were given the responsibility to be judges and jurors by Sulla.  This new role made this group even more powerful.

Who is the senate?


The stabbing of Julius Caesar was accomplished by 40-60 men from this group.

What is the senate?


His new name was Augustus, but his birth name was this.

What is Octavian?


This country is between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is Turkey?


An Eastern Germanic tribe that ravaged parts of the Roman Empire.

What are the Vandals?


Sulla took the wealth from his enemies and rewarded his veterans to solidify his support.  This was the number of veterans who was rewarded.

What is 100,000?


This was a series of events meant to distract the people from the actions of the leaders.

What is the Circus Maximus or Ludi?

Augustus reduced the Senate from 900 to this number.

What is 600?


Shaped like a boot, and adjacent to the Adriatic Sea.  This country is a popular tourist vacation for many people.

What is Italy?


Compulsory or forced service in the state service, usually the military.

What is conscription?


The land reform bill proposed to help deal with Roman citizens who were landless stated that anyone with over this many acres of land would have the excess taken away by the government and sold at a lower cost to those with less.

What is 300 acres?


This leader of Rome was so powerful they continued to award him more authority.  First he was given imperium for an additional three years, authority over Asia, and finally the ability to go to war with whom he chose.

Who is Pompey?


Augustus came into power after this powerful person adopted him and gave him his family name.

Who is Julius Caesar?


This country lies between Turkey and Iraq.

What is Syria?


The art of effective speaking or writing, particularly aimed when an audience is present.

What is Rhetoric?


This leader began to use volunteers to establish people in the military, promising them land from the territory they conquered and wealth from those same cities in order to keep them loyal.

Who is Marius?


This leader of Rome was first challenged to take down one of the most powerful leaders of Rome until he retired.  Without having to fight, this leader came into power in Rome.

Who is Caesar?


When Augustus came into power, he didn't forget the Senate and to bind them to him, he gave them this many legions to show them that they would have power in his reign.

What is six?


This country is just west of Egypt.

What is Libya?


A government position who counted the people of Rome and was in charge of public morality.

What is a censor?


Roman citizens, particularly those in the military, began to sell their lands.  The wealthy bought that land and expanded. This wealthy leader proposed a law that would "Take from the rich and give to the poor" in terms of land.  

Who is Tiberius Gracchus?


Julius Caesar didn't want imperium to stop at one year for him, so he proposed a dictatorship that would last this length of time.

What is ten years?


August helped introduce the first __________ and ___________ forces in Rome.  We have them in Glendale as well.

What is fire and police departments?


You have two friends in Europe.  Your first friend lives in France.  Your second friend lives south west of France in this country......

What is Spain?
