Cuanto mide el tornillo?
How long is the screw?
Ellos no hicieron comida, o si?
They didn't make food, did they?
Puedes decirme donde esta el?
Can you tell me where is he?
Cuantos perros tienes?
How many dogs do you have?
Que hiciste en tu ultimo cumpleanos?
What did you do on your last happy birthday?
Nosotros encogimos la ropa, o no?
we shrink the clothes, don't we?
Puedes decirme quien escribio este libro ?
Can you tell me who wrote this book?
Como es la tierra?
How is the earth?
Ella soporto el golpe, o no?
she bear the blow, didn't she?
Podrias decirme quien es ella?
El juega futbol, o no?
He plays soccer, doesn't he?
Quien es el presidente de estados unidos?
Who is the president of united states?
El perro no mordio un nino, o si?
The dog didn't bite a kid, did it?
Sabes cuando llegan de viaje ellos?
Do you know when they arrive to the trip?
Sabes quien es el ex presidente de Colombia ?
Do you know who is the ex president of Colombia?
De donde eres?
El lee un libro, o no?
He reads a book, doesn't he?
Sabes cual es la capital de Colombia?
Do you know what is the capital of Colombia?
Lavaste la ropa, o no?
You wash the clothes, didn't you?