What term describes a wealthy supporter of the arts during the Renaissance
What is a Patron?
Who was a famous artist and inventor known for works like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
Who is the German monk credited with starting the Protestant Reformation
Who is Martin Luther?
What method involves systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses?
What is the Scientific Method?
Is Source #2 a Primary or Secondary Source
What is the term for the practice of selling forgiveness for sins in the Catholic Church?
What is an Indulgence?
What artistic technique was developed during the Renaissance to create an illusion of depth in paintings?
What is Perspective?
What is the title that followers of Martin Luther given during the 16th Century?
What is Protestant?
Who proposed the heliocentric model of the universe, placing the sun at the center?
Who is Copernicus?
Is Source #1 a Primary or Secondary source?
What is a Secondary Source?
Which term refers to the language spoken by the common people, rather than Latin?
What is Vernacular?
This Renaissance thinker imagined a perfect society in an essay that he titled Utopia
Who is Thomas Moore?
What document, written by Martin Luther, criticized the sale of indulgences?
What are the 95 Theses?
Who put Galileo on trial for publishing about the Heliocentric model of the Universe?
Who is the Catholic Church?
According to Source #1 what piece of technology did Martin Luther become very knowledgeable about during the 16th century?
What is the Printing Press?
What term describes a political theory that suggests the ends justify the means?
What is Machiavellian?
What was the cultural movement that emphasized human thought and reason?
What is Humanism?
Who is the one who excommunicated Martin Luther?
Who is the Pope?
What term describes the model of the universe that places the Earth at the center?
What is Geocentric?
What is a piece of evidence that proves Galileo's innocence?
"His book (Dialogues) was banned by the Catholic Church and only in the 1990s did the Church recant its condemnation of Galileo"
What is the term that refers to a group that has separated from an established church?
What is a Sect?
What is the name of this painting?
What is The School of Athens by Raphael
What was the name of the armed conflict that occurred as a direct result of the Reformation?
Using a quote from Source #1, demonstrate the fact that Martin Luther was fearful that the Catholic Church was trying to shut down production of Luther's work.
"he took pains to ensure that his own precious, original writings were spread around the growing number of print shops to ensure that they all remained viable."