In an absolute monarchy, the king has all of this
What is power?
This French philosopher advocated for civil rights, including freedom of speech and religious liberty
Who is Voltaire?
This English governmental body made laws, controlled taxes, and kept the king in check
What is Parliament?
This social class in France was made up of the clergy (church members)
What is the First Estate?
Toussaint L'Ouverture led a slave rebellion in this Latin American nation
The idea that God chose the king, so the king answers only to Him
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
The three natural rights of man, according to John Locke
What is life, liberty, and property?
The English Civil War was fought between Parliament and this wannabe absolute monarch
Who is King Charles I?
What is the Third Estate?
Latin American revolutionaries were inspired by this earlier revolution
The name of the absolute ruler of Russia (1682-1725)
Who is Peter the Great?
The idea that society is an agreement between people and their government for the common good
What is Social Contract Theory?
The bloodless change in power from James II to his daughter Mary and her husband, William
What is the Glorious Revolution?
This event marked the beginning of the French Revolution
What is the storming of the Bastille?
This person fought for the liberation of Argentina, Chile, and Peru
Who is San MartÃn?
This building was created to show off the wealth of King Louis XIV
What is the Palace of Versailles?
Locke argued that the people can do this to governments that do not protect their rights
What is overthrow?
This document established that the king of England could not overrule Parliament, making Parliament more powerful than the king
What is the English Bill of Rights?
The three main values of the French Revolution
Liberty, equality, fraternity (liberte, egalite, fraternite)
These military dictators often took power from the democratic republics formed after Latin American revolutions
What are caudillos?
While Peter the Great Westernized Russia, Louis XIV created lots of this for France
What is debt?
The intellectuals of the Enlightenment were called this
What are philosophes?
The replacement of the cruel Oliver Cromwell with King Charles II
What is the Restoration?
This was the time after the revolution, when 20,000 people were executed for opposing the new government
What is the Reign of Terror?
This group used their wealth and Enlightenment education to lead several revolutions in Latin America
Who are creoles?