
* How long does it take you to get to school and what do you do on the way?                                              

* If you got $10,000 today, what would you do with it?

Dayra C.


What is the best book or movie you've seen or read lately, and why would you recommend it?

What is your full name, and do any of the names have a special meaning?

Treyton W.


*Who is your favorite cartoon character or superhero and why?

*If you were at a friend or relative,s house, and you found a dead insect in your food, what would you do?

Aariana D.


* If you were at a friend or relative's house, and you found a dead insect in your food, what would you do?

* What is the best book you have read lately, and why would you recommend it?

Eva L.


*If you had to give up one of your senses, which would it be and why?

* What was your most embarrassing experience?

Jaxsyn B.


*What was the best thing that happened to you, or that you did, last week?

*What is your faorite thing to do in summer?

Eberlee K.


* What is your full name, and do any of the names have a special meaning?

* If you were at a friend or relative's house, and you found a dead insect in your food, what would you do?

Harper G.


* What was your most embarrassing experience?

* What's the best thing you cook?

You get to go again!


*If you could fix one thing in the world today, what would it be?

* If you got $10,000 today, what would you do with it?

Jordyn d.


* How long does it take you to get to school and what do you do on the way?

* If you had a time machine for a day, where and when would you go?

You get to go again!


*What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

*Do you have a pet? If not, what would you like?

Ellison S.


*If you had a time machine for a day, where and when would you go?

*What was the best thing that happened to you, or that you did, last week?

Bryson B.


*If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

*What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

Lilah R.


*If you house was burning down, what 3 things would you try to save?

* Who is your favorite cartoon character or superhero and why?

Devan D.


* How long does it take you to get to school and what do you do on the way?

* If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Ella H.


*If you had a time machine for a day, where and when would you go?

* What kind of pet do you have? If not, what would you like?

Avery P.


* What is your favorite color and how many things do you actually own in that color?

* What is your full name, and do any of the names have a special meaning?

Isabella T.


* What's the best thing you cook?

* What's the best movie you've seen lately and why would you recommend it?

Lexon H.


* If you had to give up one of your senses, which would it be and why?

* What was your most embarrassing experience?

Elias B.


* What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

* What was the best thing that happened to you, or that you did, last week?

Kyler K.


* If you got $10,000 today, what would you do with it?

* If you had a time machine for a day, where and when would you go?

Peyton C.


* What is your favorite color, and how many things do you actually own in that color?

*What is the best thing you cook?

Nicole I.


* What is your favorite thing to do in summer?

* Who is your favorite cartoon characer or superhero and why?

Brinley S.


*What is your favorite thing to do in summer?

*If you house was burning down, what 3 things would you try to save?

Alexis P.


* If you could have one thing fixed in the world today, what would it be?

*What is the best book you have read lately, and why would you recommend it?

Kelton D.
