I am played on a field.
They are 11 players on each team.
You can score a free kick, a penalty and a goal.
I'm football
I am round. I am red or green, I grow on trees?
I am an pple
I'm a kind of candy. I'm very common around the world. I can be milk, dark or white. I am very sweet and tasty.
I'm a chocolate
I am made from a beans.
You can drink me hot or with ice.
I can help you to wake up in the morning.
I'm a coffee.
I usually work in the kitchen or the bathroom. I can solve problems with water. My work can be messy and dirty who am I?
I'm a plumber
I'm played on a court.
There are 5 players on each team.
You can score a lay-up, a three-pointer and a dunk.
I am basketball.
I am round an red. I have seeds inside. I'm very soft.
I am a tomato 🍅
I am yellowish brown and sweet. People sometimes put me in their tea. What am I?
I'm honey.
You need to drink me everyday.
I am good for your health.
I have no color.
I am water.
My patients have got a lot of hair. I make my patients feel better. I usually wear a white coat. My patients sometimes bite. Who am I?
A vet
I am played on a big course.
You can play me by yourself or with friends.
You can score an Eagle, a birdie and a par by putting the small ball in the hole.
I am golf.
I am small. I taste sweet, I am blue?
I am a blueberry
I am cooked in an oven. I have a round bread base topped with tomatoes and cheese. I'm usually eaten in slices.
I'm pizza
I am a warm, sweet drink.
I am made from Cocoa beans.
You can put marshmallows and cream on top of me.
I'm a hot chocolate.
Most people are afraid of me. In my office there is a special chair and some machines. I take care of your cavities.
A dentist
You play me on a pitch.
There are 15 players on each team.
You hold the ball in your arms then run and try to score.
I am Rugby.
I am green, I am long. I am good in salads.
I'm a cucumber 🥒
I am made from flour and yeast. You can buy me at a bakery. People eat me on a daily basis.
I'm bread
I come from America.
I am a fizzy drink.
I am black in color.
I'm a Coca-Cola.
I work outdoors. I can work alone or with other people and I'm very close to nature. Who am I?
A gardener
You play me on a mat.
There are 2 people on each mat.
You can throw or sweep your opponent to the ground.
I am judo.
I am green, I am cooked to eat. I look like a very small tree.
I am broccoli 🥦
I am hot. You can eat or drink me from a bowl or from a cup. You can put vegetables or meat in me.
I'm soup.
I am made with leaves.
You can drink me with milk or without milk.
I can be brown, black or green and color.
I'm tea.
My job is not on the planet Earth. I wear a special outfit and a helmet. I travel long distances from the Earth. who am I?
An astronaut.