More Coastlines
This criterion assesses your ability to answer a question, follow an action plan and manage your inquiry time properly. HINT: Its connected to that action planner we looked at last week.
What is Criterion B
The definition of a system is:
What is What is a series/group of PARTS that WORKS TOGETHER to complete a PROCESS; a group of connected PARTS that WORK TOGETHER in order to perform various FUNCTIONS
The twice-daily rise and fall of the sea due to the gravitational pull of the moon is called a what?
What is tides.
The words to describe how water approaches a shore line and then recedes (goes away from) are.....
What are "swash" and "backwash".
How can climate change effect coastlines
What is rising sea levels will disturb the ecology of the coastline
Using and MLA format for your research is required and will effect your score for which criterion?
What is Criterion D
Are ocean currents and example of an Earth System? Why or why not?
What is yes, ocean currents are an example of an Earth system because the different parts (gravity and winds) move the water around the globe and this creates different climates.
What are two ways that we affect coastlines in a positive way?
What is......... depending on answer.
List three things that affect coastlines in a negative way
What are........... depends on the answer
This criterion assesses your knowledge and understanding of the Statement of Inquiry, unit question and concepts
What is Criterion A
Why is weather considered an Earth system?
What is because it has different parts that cause the weather pattern to occur. BONUS: 100 points for every "part" or factor that affects the weather systems on earth - its always the same, regardless of it being a tropical storm or blizzard or tornado!
A rapidly-flowing current moving water back out to the sea is called a what?
What is a rip tide
The difference between an estuary and a lagoon is what?
What is an estuary is a long deep narrow bay and a lagoon is a former bay cut off from the sea by a sand spit.
What are 3 solutions that some countries are doing to protect coastlines?
What is building walls, add sand to the beaches, make national parks, prevent more building of condos/tourist sites, etc. Others?
The focus of Criterion C is what?
What is Thinking Critically
The animals and plants on a coastline effect each other. How?
What is 1) mangroves provide homes/shelter for animals. 2) there is a food chain existing on the coastline. 3) kelp breaks up the wave action and affects on the beach 4) others?
The four factors that affect/change the shape of a coastline are..........
What is What are 1) the atmosphere, 2) plants/animals, 3) rocks, 4) water BONUS: ARE THERE ANY OTHERS?
How is a sea stack formed?
What is waves erode a sea cliff until it forms an cave, Then, this cave eventually becomes an arch. The top of the arch collapses leaving only a stack.
How do Mangroves and Kelp protect coastlines?
What is mangroves grow in salt-water and prevent erosion and provide shelter for birds/animals. Kelp absorb wave action and help defend the shoreline.
A TWO PART QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True or False - The criterion are the same for all subjects. What will happen next school year in regards to the Criterion for all subjects?
What is FALSE All criterion for all subjects will be out of 8 and there will be only 4 Criterion.
What are the two words being described here: ****** is the "big picture" (all the parts working together to create something) whereas a ***** the the action happening in that system (the "steps")?
What are "system" and "process"
The highest tides in the world are in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick Canada. Where are the lowest tidal range? BONUS: WHY ARE THEY THE LOWEST IN THE WORLD?
What is Where is on the Mediterranean Coast. THE ARE THE LOWEST IN THE WORLD BECAUSE...........
What concepts has the following definition: "...creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations"?
Draw a T-chart. List the following landforms in "Erosion" or "Deposition": bay, sea stack, bay mouth bar, estuary, blowhole, off-shore bar, sea cliff, sand spit, beach, lagoon, sea cave, arch, rock platform
What is Erosion: bay, sea stack, blowhole, sea cliff, sea cave, arch, rock platform Deposition: bay mouth bar, estuary, off-shore bar, sand spit, beach, lagoon,