Why Parties Form?
Political Party Functions
American Party System
Double Jeopardy: Elections (A Recap)
A Mixed Bag
A Political Party is: A. an organization that supports and sponsors political candidates under its label. B. Established for the purpose of attaining positions of public authority. C.Teams of Politicians, activists, and interest groups D. Organize to win control of government E. All of the above.
What is E. All of the above.
This function of parties is not discussed much but it is a critical lynchpin in partisan activity. A. Recruiting Candidates B. Nominating Candidates C. Getting Out the Vote D. Facilitating Electoral Choice
What is A. Recruiting Candidates
The Federalist Party disappeared altogether after some Federalist leaders: a. worked toward the abolition of slavery in the Southern states b. demonstrated pro-British sympathies during the War of 1812 c. became involved in highly publicized voter fraud and electoral scandals d. compromised on key states’ rights issues immediately preceding the Civil War e. lowered tariffs so low that the government had to default on its debts
What is b. demonstrated pro-British sympathies during the War of 1812
The three main purposes of elections include what?
What is Selection of Representatives, Shaping Policy, and Promoting Accountability
An electorate that selects several candidates from a single electoral district is called a: a. third-member district b. single-member district c. multiple-member district d. all-or-nothing, winner-take-all district e. plurality district
What is c. multiple-member district
Political parties organize with the goal of solving collective action and coordination interests. T or F
What is TRUE.
Which is NOT a primary function of political parties? A.financing campaigns B. getting out the vote C. facilitating mass electoral choice D. recruiting candidates for office
What is A.financing campaigns
The American two-party system emerged for the first time with the: a. Whigs and Democrats b. Republicans and Democrats c. Progressives and Democrats d. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans e. Federalists and Hamiltonians
What is d. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
Congressional elections where a high percentage of incumbents are re-elected and there is low party turnover is: A) Nationalized B) Normal C) General
What is B. Normal
According to reseachers and scholars how many alignments has the American party system undergone? A. two B. four C.five D. eight
What is C.five
As opposed to interest groups, political parties are composed mainly of: a. vote seekers b. office seekers c. policy seekers d. benefit seekers e. money seekers
What is b. office seekers
This is a mechanism used to mobilize, attract, or get voters to the polls on election day.
What is "Get Out The Vote"
The organizational genius behind the Jacksonian movement who established a party central committee, state party organizations, and party newspapers was Jackson’s vice president and eventual successor: a. John Tyler b. James Polk c. John C. Calhoun d. William Henry Harrison e. Martin Van Buren
What is e. Martin Van Buren
Candidate Votes Candidate 1: 49% Candidate 2: 35% Candidate 3: 16% This is an example of what type of voting?
What is Plurality
Contemporary parties have evolved into "service organizations" that provide all of the following to candidates EXCEPT A. lists of donors. B. post-election pressure to toe the party line. C. public opinion polls. E. experienced campaign staff.
What is B. post-election pressure to toe the party line.
The Constitutional system of federalism, separation of powers, and bicameralism makes it easy for one party to gain complete control of government. T or F
What is F. The Constitutional system of federalism, separation of powers, and bicameralism makes it DIFFICULT for one party to gain complete control of government.
Political parties facilitate mass electoral choice by A. confronting voters with "new faces, new choices" at every election. B. providing voters with a kind of party "brand-name" that simplifies their choice of candidates. C. making all primaries "open." D. using referenda on ballots to solicit voter input.
What is B. providing voters with a kind of party "brand-name" that simplifies their choice of candidates.
The divisions between Republicans and Democrats at the beginning of the third party system revolved around: a. slavery issues only b. economic issues only c. foreign policy issues d. the expansion of the union e. economic issues and slavery
What is e. economic issues and slavery
The landmark Supreme Court case on campaign finance that equated spending money with free speech rights was: a. Buckley v. Valeo b. McConnell v. FEC c. McCain v. Feingold d. Gibbons v. Ogden e. Colorado Republican Party v. FEC
What is a. Buckley v. Valeo
What is NOT a component of the term "party system"? A. number of parties competing for power B. organization of the parties C. types of offices parties seek to control D. issues around which the parties are organized
What is C. types of offices parties seek to control
Which of the following is NOT a reason why third parties tend to be short-lived? A. Electoral support for third parties is limited. B. The use of multiple-member districts dampens their influence. C. The tradition of two parties is strong. D. Major parties often co-opt popular third-party platform planks.
What is B. The use of multiple-member districts dampens their influence.
Political parties are part of a three-part system? T or F
The divisions during the fourth party system were primarily between: a. North and South b. urban business interests and rural farmers c. Protestant and Catholic d. reformers and machine politicians e. Eastern landowners and Western settlers
What is b. urban business interests and rural farmers
When voters choose between voting for an incumbent or a challenger the may what type of evaluation?
What is a Retrospective Evaluation
Legislative parties play important roles in determining all of the following EXCEPT A. who is Speaker of the House. B. who serves as president of the Senate. C. who will be seated on which committees. D. the organization and day-to-day operation of Congress.
What is B. who serves as president of the Senate.