Who find out what is wrong with a person, and then come up with treatment for them such as medication or surgery?
Who work in a school and help children learn new things?
Teachers, of course!
Bonus 100: Who helps a teacher in their classroom?
Bonus Bonus 100: What is a university teacher called?
Who flies a plane to get you wherever you're going?
Bonus 100: Who is the pilot's assistant and who helps the people during their flight?
Who gives swimming lessons and makes sure swimmers don't drown in the pool?
Who transport products and building supplies on roads?
Who check your eyes and tell you if you need glasses?
Eye Doctors (optometrists)
Two people or more who run a school from day to day. You may have to see them if you get into too much trouble!
(This of course has never happened to Kevin, he was obviously a little angel all the way from kindergarten to... well... now) :D
The principal and vice principal(s)
Who plays in concerts and/or sings for others to enjoy?
Sometimes there are free concerts in parks such as Douglas Park and Mill Lake. That's pretty cool!
Who teach sports and lead their teams during competitions?
Who build houses, apartments, stores, and many other buildings?
Who will give treatment at a hospital or doctor's office, such as: changing bandages, give medications, adjusting pillows etc... and sometimes even take blood? :O
Gross! :D
Whose job is it to stop dangerous people from hurting others, and to help people find the support they need in the community?
Who makes sure that dangerous people and things can't make it into the country?
Border Guards
Who work with books, making sure they're in good condition and in the proper place, and help people find a book they would enjoy?
Who make sure that vehicles can continue to run?
Who can you visit to talk about things in your life, who will support you and help you work through it?
Who is the leader of the government, who represents Canada when meeting with leaders from other countries?
The prime minister. The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau
Fun fact: Justin Trudeau has been prime minister for 8 years.
Which actually isn't that long compared to other prime ministers before him: one stayed in office for 15 years, another for *21* years.
What sports teams can you go watch around Langley, Vancouver, or in the Fraser Valley? (Name 3)
Vancouver: Canadians, Canucks, Whitecaps, Lions
Langley: Bandits, Giants, Vancouver FC
Abbotsford: Canucks
Chilliwack: Chiefs
Who work in gyms, seniors homes, and community centers, where they lead fitness classes and other excercise-based activities?
Fitness Instructors/Recreational Workers
Who make sure that we have access to clean, running water?
Who show up to help during medical emergencies?
(there are multiple options)
Paramedics (either ambulance or firefighters)
Who is the Mayor of Langley in charge of, who helps him improve the city?
City Council
The mayor is a city counsilor who leads other city councilors.
Where do you go to learn to drive, get your license, and make sure you can drive your car without breaking the law?
Who take care of playgrounds, gardens, sport courts, etc in the city?
Park Rangers/City Employees
People who take giant containers off of ships and put them on trucks and trains
Dock/Harbor Workers