Dress Code

In many organizations, this term refers to a documented record of an employee’s attendance, including absences, tardiness, and leave taken.

What is an attendance record?


To ensure employees are wearing the correct type of sneakers, management might implement this type of check or inspection.

What is a footwear compliance check?


This term describes the practice of continuously observing and monitoring students to ensure their safety and engagement.

What is active supervision?


This behavior, often perceived as negative, involves showing frustration or impatience when students struggle or make mistakes.

What is displaying anger or impatience?


When discussing a child’s progress or behavior with parents, it’s important to use this type of language that focuses on the child’s strengths and areas for improvement in a constructive way.

What is positive and constructive language? sandwich method


When an employee is absent from work without providing any notice or reason, it is called this type of absence.

What is an unexcused absence?


This practice involves a supervisor or manager conducting random checks to ensure all employees are wearing their required work shirts and is within dress code.

What is a uniform compliance audit?


Creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment often involves establishing this type of atmosphere where students feel safe and respected.

What is a supportive or nurturing environment?


When a teacher ignores a student's question or concern, this can lead to feelings of neglect and decreased engagement. This is an example of what not to do?

What is ignoring student inquiries?


This approach involves having regular meetings or updates with parents to keep them informed about their child’s academic performance and social development.

What is regular communication


An employee who frequently arrives at work late or leaves early without valid reasons is exhibiting this type of attendance issue.

What is being late? 


When an employee fails to wear their work shirt as required, this term describes the official documentation or report of the incident.

What is an attendance or dress code violation report?


This strategy involves setting clear expectations and guidelines for student behavior, which helps in maintaining order and ensuring effective supervision.

Community Agreements 


This action, where a teacher shows favoritism towards certain students while neglecting others, can create an unfair learning environment

what is showing favoritism. 


To foster a productive conversation with parents, it's important to actively do this, which involves listening attentively and acknowledging their concerns and perspectives.

What is active listening?


The practice of notifying your supervisor before you are absent from work is commonly known as this.

What is calling out?  


This term refers to a company's policy that outlines acceptable and inappropriate attire for employees, often varying based on the workplace's level of formality.

What is a dress code policy?


This approach involves actively engaging students in the learning process through hands-on activities, discussions, and problem-solving tasks.

What is active learning?


This term describes a situation where an employee is present at work but not actively engaged in their tasks, often due to personal issues or dissatisfaction.

What is presenteeism?


When addressing a child’s behavioral issues with parents, it’s important to avoid making this common mistake, which involves attributing the problem solely to the child without considering external factors.

What is placing blame?


This system tracks the number of hours employees work and their arrival and departure times.

What is ADP 


In cases where employees repeatedly ignore the dress code regarding ripped jeans, leggings, shorts, hoodies with hoodie on this formal action might be taken to address the issue.

What is a formal disciplinary action or warning?


This term describes activities designed to help students develop social and emotional skills, such as empathy, resilience, and effective communication.

What is social-emotional learning (SEL)?


This behavior involves making personal or negative comments about a student in front of the class, which can damage the student's self-esteem and trust.

What is publicly criticizing or shaming a student?


In situations where there is a disagreement or misunderstanding with parents, this strategy involves working towards a mutual understanding and finding common ground.

What is conflict resolution?
