A car manufacturer [which/that]
What do you call a company which/that manufactures cars?
The sound track [which/that]
What do you call the sounds and music which/that are included in a film?
A traffic jam [which/that]
What do you call a long line of traffic which/that can't move?
Peak hour or rush hour [when]
What do you call the busy time of day when many people are going to work or going home?
A bike lane or bike path [which/that]
What do you call the part of a road which/that only bicycles can use?
A desk lamp [which/that]
What do you call a lamp which/that is used on a desk to help a person see what they are working on?
A parking fine [which/that]
What do you call the thing which/that you might have to pay if you park in a place where you shouldn't?
A school principal [who]
What do you call a person who is in charge of a school?
A film extra [who]
What do you call a person who appears in crowd scenes in films?
A tennis court [if]
What do you call the place you have to book if you want to play tennis at a sports centre?
A seat belt [which/that]
What do you call the thing which/that you should always put on when you get into a car?
A public school [which/that]
What do you call a school which/that is paid for by the government?
A child prodigy [who]
What do you call a young child who has very great ability in something?
Science fiction or sci-fi [which/that]
What do you call the kind of books or films which/that are about the future and often set in outer space?
A thumb drive (a device)
What do you call the device which/that you can use to transfer files from one computer to another without using the internet?