Exception Letters
FCO/PM Planning
Customer Escalations
Where do you Go?

Who can sign exception letters if the customer refuses?

Who is the DSM


Where can you locate FCO kit parts numbers, FCO duration, Materials Delivery Plan, and all other information regarding to a specific FCO?

What are Handover Documents found in the FCO Documents section on Teams


Who do you contact if a customer states they have a valid contract but the contract has expired in ServiceMax?

Who is Contracts?

They would be able to verify the most current contract information. 


If FSE asks for a "time and material" PM WO, (PM for TM)  the FSE should contact his/her?

Who is Reactive Planner


How long do we have to address action assignments?

What is 24 hours


Which functioning mailbox should be copied on the PM exception letter email?

what is: pm.documentations@philips.com


Where can you locate the PM Duration?

From the Work Order,

In the PM Plan Template field note the visit number.

Click on the PM Plan Template.

Scroll to the PM Schedule Templates section.

Look for the sequence number that matches your visit number (from step 1).

Click the Work Order Purpose number for that visit; the number starts with TT.

The Duration field is in the Task Template Detail section.


A customer states that their equipment has been down for 2 weeks and can not get a response from the FSE.

Who is Reactive Planner?

You would refer the customer to the Reactive Planning team so that a incident could be scheduled for the customer.


Where would you locate PM coverage hours from the work order? 

  1. Scroll to the Entitlement section, click on the Service Contract.

  2. Scroll to Business Hours, select PM Business Hours.
    That is where the PM business hours are located.

Note: If there is no information in the PM Business Hours use the Business Hours.


What types of FCOs are handled by long term planning? Which are handled by reactive?

What are mandatory and proactive FCOs. What are retrofit and service recommendations.


How many days after the initial exception letter email should you follow up with the customer?

What is 3 days


When do you need a signed ANR?

De – Installed Devices

Location unknown



Refusal of MA FCO


The LTP has been trying to get in touch with the customer for 3 weeks to schedule the PM.  Who would you contact next?

Who is the FSE?

First, reach out to the FSE if no response from FSE contact your manager & DSM


Where do you go to locate information about processes and procedures for LTPs?

What is OneSource


How many days in advance should a part be delivered for a scheduled activity?

What is 3 days prior to service date


What should LT planners do once they receive a signed exception letter?

What is 

Attach Exception Letter to WO and cancel WO

(If applicable, complete IPCR and reconcile any existing PM work orders)


How can LT planners validate additional visits?

Reference the number of PM visits occurring in previous years; also, you can reach out to your FSEs or DSM for clarification


A customer who, according to Service Max, is not entitled for extended hours coverage.  The customer chose to escalate his request to whom?

Who is the DSM?


Where can you go to practice:

  • Creating a WO
  • Attaching to WO
  • Parts Ordering


What is the phone number a customer can call to talk to LTP?

What is (833) 245-8165


What are the 3 instances when PM exception letters are needed?

  • Customer declines PM
  • Customer is unable to locate equipment
  • Customer needs to delay the PM to a time outside the PM window
  • Customer wants the PM due dates adjusted
  • Customer is unresponsive or can’t be reached
  • Equipment removed or in process of being removed, sold, dismantled, or de-activated.
  • Equipment is in storage
  • Equipment has been traded or lost

FSE reports the unit has been or will be removed.

FSE reports the customer wants to schedule the PM outside the PM window


How do we determined if products are covered by Multi-Vendor team? What is the process for making sure the MV team sees the PM?

Check who is listed as the Service Provider on the Installed Product Level. If it says 3rd Party Vendor, then we create a action assignment to the MV team.


The LTP has made a minimum of 3 attempts on 3 different days to contact the customer, using both phone and email prior to requesting DSM assistance in getting what?

What is an Exception Letter?


Where do go to dispatch a Work Order to an FSE?

What is Service Board


What are 2 special accounts that have to have the PMs scheduled within the month they are due, no grace period?

What are 

  • Steward 
  • Wellstar
  • Westchester