17 + 34
what is 51?
You write your name on a paper _________.
What is next to the name:_______
A cat who wants to steal a painting.
Who is cat burglar?
The person who killed Thanos first.
Who is Thor?
76 - 35
What is 41?
You go to art next to the ________.
What is kindergarten classroom?
The bad guy in Shrek.
Who is Lord Farquaad?
The Scarlet Witch.
Who is wanda?
3 x 12
What is 36?
The big test at the end of the year.
What is I Learn/I Read?
The name of the movie with Tow mater.
What is Cars / Cars 2 / Cars 3?
125 divided by 5
What is 25?
The bus you get on and off of.
What is 209?
The fast bird from angry birds.
Who is Chuck?
Ultron killed this person.
Who is quicksilver / Pedro?
2 + 4 - 3 x 5
What is 15?
Where you computer is at the end of the day.
What is on the charger / in your backpack?
The wolf's name in THE BAD GUYS.
Who is wolf?
Thanos died last by _______.
What is his own sword?