How often do you check infants when they are sleeping?
Every 15 minutes to help prevent SIDS.
Children can be sent home with a fever of 99.9 degrees.
To be sent home with a fever, child's temp must read 100.4 degrees.
True or False. Teachers are the only ones who should sign child in and out.
False. Parents should be signing their children in and out every day.
Should children be left unattended during meal times?
No, one teacher must be sitting at all times.
True or False. Bleach water can be used for up to one month.
False. The bleach and water solution must be changed daily
Who is allowed to pick up the child?
Approved people on contact list. If you have never seen the approved person on the list, you MUST I.D. them
True or False. After a child bites 3 times in a day, they get to stay at school.
False. If a child bites 3 times in a day, they will be sent home.
Can teachers put accident reports in Procare?
No. Parents must be notified via phone about an accident report.
True or False. There is a list of playground rules in each classroom.
True or False. Toys/classroom should be cleaned every 6months, or when there is a sickness going on in the classroom.
False. Toys/classroom should be cleaned on a daily to weekly basis.
False. You are to call/submit to the DHS child abuse hotline.
True or False. You should notify of a call out at least 1hr. before your shift.
False. You should notify at least 2hrs. before shift
What is spot check used for?
Classroom transitions, SIDS check, transitions from different places on campus, and when a teacher leaves and another comes in
What is the ratio for 12months to 30months?
1:6 and 2:12
True or False. 1/3 cup of bleach to 1gal. of water is the recommended ratio for sanitizing per DHS rules.
False. 1/4 cup
Where should cleaning supplies be stored?
in cabinets, locked and out of reach of children
A child must be sent how after how many diarrhea diapers?
True or False. Notes is a way to notify parents of needed items for the next day.
True. Notes in ProCare do not have to be approved, and can be used as a reminder for parents of items children need.
Classrooms with children under 2.5 years old.
How to put away open food?
In a ziplock with date used
How can timeout be used in the classroom?
The length of timeout should not exceed one minute per each age of the child. NO child under 36months should be placed in timeout.
False. Allergies should be posted near mealtime areas
Can a child be transferred from one class to the other?
Yes, by clicking 'sign in and out' then hit 'transfer to different room' then click drop down for room they are transferring to.
Should you know how many kids you have at all times, or can you just look in Procare?
You should know at all times how many children you have, without counting or looking.
a. Clean surface
b. Diaper and wipes ready
c. Let child hold dirty diaper
d. wash child's hand