Placement Continuum
LRE Decision
OSD School Assignment
Random LRE ?'s

To the maximum extent appropriate students with disabilities are educated with students without disabilities...

What is the "LRE mandate"?


The first placement option for LRE is...

What is "the General Education classroom"?


A student placed by CPS in a Separate Day or Residential Placement retains...

What is "ALL of their Substantive and Procedural Rights under IDEA"?


A decision to remove a student with disabilities from the general education setting MUST always be based on...

What is "DATA, and the students individual needs"? 


The MOST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT on the Placement Continuum...

What is "Home Hospital Placement"?


The OSD District Representative must be invited to the IEP meeting and participate as the District Representative when...

What is "when a placement of 100% removal from the general education classroom is accepted as a students LRE"?


When a students current or neighborhood school cannot implement the students IEP based on the IEP placement/program recommendation(s), a request for...

What is "a request for a school assignment"?


The easiest way to place a student in their LRE...

WHAT IS...You just earned your team 200 PTS...YOU ARE DA' BOMB!!!


61-100% removal from the General Education classroom...

What is "Instruction in a Separate Class (LRE 3)"?


The appropriate representative to commit the district and its resources to 100% removal from the general education setting....

Who is "the OSD District Representative"?


When the IEP team determines, based on data and other relevant information, that the nature or severity of a students academic or functional needs due to their disability are such that education within and OSD cluster program and integration with general education peers, with the use of special education, related services and supplementary aides and services can not be satisfactorily achieved...

What is "placement in a Specialty school"?


A Separate Day School or Residential Facility MUST provide all special education and related services and all educational accommodations and supports in accordance with the IEP and...

What is "at NO cost to the parent(s)/guardian(s)"?


The OSD IDEA Procedural Manual clearly states...

WHAT picked the BONUS TILE and just earned your team a whooping 400 points; you Sly Dog!!!


Category of disability; Severity of disability; Behavior; Language and communication needs; Needed modifications to curriculum; & Availability of space or educational and related services...

What are "factors to consider when placing a student in the Least Restrictive Environment"? 


Four programs that require an OSD school assignment are...

What are "Preschool Inclusive, Preschool Intensive, Low Incidence Cluster (Moderate, Intensive, Specialty School, Transition Learning Center) Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Program for Students with Visual Impairments, Multi-Sensory, and/or Accessible Building"? 


If an IEP team is considering whether a student with disabilities requires a Separate Day School or Residential Placement due to NEEDS OTHER THAN BEHAVIORAL needs ALL of the following guidelines must be discussed and documented...

What are "Highly Intensive Academic or Functional Needs, and the student's District Programming not being able to address their identified needs"?  


Four settings where educational services are provided in a separate school (i.e., 100% removal)...

What are "CPS Specialty School(s), CPS Transition Learning Center, Separate Day School & Residential placement settings".


Educational services/environments that can be provided in ANY CPS school...

What are "LRE 1 (0% - 20% in a separate classroom), LRE 2 (21% - 60% in a separate classroom), & LRE 3 (61% - 100% in a separate classroom)"?


If an IEP team is considering whether a student with disabilities requires a Separate Day School or Residential Placement due to behavioral needs ALL of the following guidelines must be discussed and documented...

What is "Highly Intensive Behavior, Frequent Behavior, Tiered Supports and Interventions Implemented WITHOUT Success"?


Specialized classrooms in schools throughout the city for low incident disabilities requiring 61% or more removal AND a significantly modified curriculum...

What are "Low Incidence Cluster Programs"?
